Author Topic: The Partially-Official Shmup Thread  (Read 6075 times)

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This thread is just a small collection of a huge pile of freeware shmups (<-- definition) that are out there on the internet, Windows and Mac. Check them out! Most games are outfitted with a youtube video and all of them have a screenshot. All of the games posted in the main post right now work for Windows and Mac except for two. Be sure to read the read-mes when you download a game, it will state the controls and how to play!

-Torus Trooper-

Youtube Video Here (Note that the video is on the Extreme level and not set on normal play!)

Haha, Torus Trooper (Torus means cylinder/tunnel) is one of my favorite shmups of all time. It is in nice 3d and wire frame. I only have one huge bone to pick about it, this game makes me queasy! it is going so fast it gives me motion sickness after about 30 minutes to an hour of playing it. Queasy or not this game is just EPIC, you should try it on the Extreme mode, it's awesome :D Definitely check it out!
Windows: Link: (Direct)
Mac Link: (Direct)


Youtube Video Here

Titanion is a shmup that is very abstract. It has fast gameplay (like most shmups) and is really fun. There are three game-modes to play and all of them are really cool. Modern mode is the default mode and you will probably be playing this one the most. Classic and Simple are a lot different gameplay wise. On Classic you can kill enemies to try to fill a bar; when that bar is filled you can send out a beam that makes any enemies that collide with you connect or link with your ship. The ships still fire their bullets so it is very useful for you, the only main problem with linking is that it makes your ship bigger and they will easily fall of whenever a bullet hits.
Windows Link: (direct)
Mac Link: (Direct)

-TUMIKI Fighters-

Youtube Video Here

This a more well-known shmup that is acclaimed for the video of catching enemies to "build" or expand your ship and upgrade it to fire more weapons and be a "shield". The game gets excruciating, especially on level 4 (I have been there :D). if you haven't played it, it is definitely worth your time...and effort!
Windows Link: (Direct)
Mac Link: (Direct)

-Clean Asia-

Youtube Video Here

Not tribal :cookieMonster: This is also a well-known shooter shmup, and it was made on game maker (great!). It features two ships, an attractor and a deflector (is that right? I forgot) its fun, but its really hard. Through its hardness is a short game. You should try it, but it gets kind of meh...
Windows Link: (Click games on the top bar, then scroll down to clean asia, there is also a full description)
Mac Link: None!


Youtube Video Here

Ok this game gives me climaxasLOL It is very fast and fun and definitely a generic shooter (but hey, that not bad!). The gameplay is solid and all around fun. The difficulty curve, though, is a little un-fair and this game gets hard very fast. Still definitely worth your time and it may/may not captivate your for vary long. I Know how long I stayed up playing it :D
Windows Link: (Direct)
Mac Link: (Direct)

-Garden of Colored Lights-

Youtube Video Here (Note that the video is the beta and much like the full game now released)

Like Torus Trooper, one of my all time favorites. The firing and death sounds of the enemies are the music. The bosses are painful, and this game also has a very steep difficulty curve. I know that some people won't get past the first level. The ship customization is very unique, you can choose from a number of weapons and get different combinations. Awesome game, and one of the best freeware shmups out there.
Windows Link: (Direct)
Mac Link: (Direct)

-Fractal Fighter-

Sorry for the blurry screenshot, the game in motion looks much better.
(No Video)

This game, like Clean Asia, was made in Game Maker. It will give you fun for a small amount o time, but it is definitely not for designed for long term play. I just rarely/occasionally played it for a while, maybe 1/2 a year. Not a must-download game, really.
Windows Link: (Click games on the top bar, then scroll down to clean asia, there is also a full description
Mac: None

-Grey Matter-

(No Video)

This game is different then most shmups that I have played. You ARE the bullet. You can get different upgrades for your bullet and there are multiple enemies. This is a game that once you beat it you will probably never play it again unless you shoot for the unlock-a-ble difficulty level. This is the only game that was made in flash on this current collection and it is very well done for what it is.
Windows and Mac (its a flash game):

-Grid Wars-

Youtube Video Here

Ok, this game has GOT to be the most well known shmups on this page. I was going to post Geometry Wars, but the link got forcefully taken down by Microsoft because the game is on Xbox Live. Grid Wars is a clone of Geometry Wars, but its not as good as it in my opinion. This game all in all is still awesome and definitely worth some plays :D (Please note that Geometry Wars was a clone of [url]Robotron 2084[/url]
Windows and Mac download site:

Thats all for now, I might update the game list sometime. Posting your own is acceptable, I guess. :) Have fun!
« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 01:39:40 PM by Radial543 »

Bumped. While I was creating the topic, I accidentally pressed post instead preview. Thread is created now.

geometry wars is on steam too you know :P

and ds..And wii..

Also all of them games remind me of Rez

geometry wars is on steam too you know :P
and ds..And wii..
Also all of them games remind me of Rez

But they aren't freeware!

anything on
wheres the typed review? :cookieMonster:

I see lots of 3-d shapes :D

ermm...i have no suggestions

This is my favorite so far. was re-released for free so its great quality
Hell someone even ported it to DS (Homebrew)

fun side-scroller shoot 'em up
Wiki page:
you'll need Open Tyrian to play it:
and put the contents of this in a data folder in your Open Tyrian folder:

I used to play such games, hours long of fun.

Ooh ooh I just remembered Invalid Tangram. Like Shmups meets a puzzle game.

I downloaded 4 of those games 4-6 months ago. Grid Wars is addictive.

Gonna DL a bunch of these right now, they look fun.

If you like PARSEC47, you should also try NOIZ2SA. It's made by the same person, and it's on Installer for Jailbroken iPods.

Okay, I don't see how anyone can enjoy Torus Trooper. It's pretty much luck based when you're on extreme. There's very little time to react to the bullets and it's usually best to just press whatever.