Author Topic: God damnit. I missed my 1337th post.  (Read 1493 times)





You can't even convert 1337 -> English correctly.

You think that's bad? I missed my period. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?!?
I have a dark, twisted, horrifying image about almost everything that involves women. That's what makes it so lovey.

Wait, what does this mean?

*points at reg

Atleast i've been here 3+ years longer then him :P

*points at reg

Atleast i've been here 3+ years longer then him :P
this is true

*points at reg

Atleast i've been here 3+ years longer then him :P

Who me?

Couldn't be!

Then who?

I should get 13333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333337 posts!

Who me?

Couldn't be!

Then who?
I admit it. I stole the cookie. It was just too tempting, man!

Deoxy, if that happened, I'd laugh.

Wynd_Fox, here's a cookie: :cookie:

Muahahah i have less posts than any of you!

I have a feeling that tails is Reguilth

When you have 1337 it says leet instead of the number

You think that's bad? I missed my period. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?!?
Someone drugged you to sleep and removed your uterus to sell on the Black Market????? :o

Of course, it makes me wonder how much of a loser someone has to be to create an alt just so they can spam the forums enough to actually get their leet post and find out for sure.