Author Topic: Team Sided Prints  (Read 550 times)

In other words, prints that are viewed differently by other teams.


Team 1 sees a sign that says "Base >>>"
Team 2 sees the same sign, but it reads "<<< Base"

I don't think that's possible.

Neither do I, but we could always try.

Space Guy made TDM, he should know.  Great idea nonetheless.

Would save alittle time, but the example makes it sound like you want prints that intentionally lie to the other team. If it said like, Home Base for one team and Enemy Base for the other then that makes sense. Doesn't sound too useful to me IMO.

Would save alittle time, but the example makes it sound like you want prints that intentionally lie to the other team. If it said like, Home Base for one team and Enemy Base for the other then that makes sense. Doesn't sound too useful to me IMO.


Another use:

Secret messages for a certain team. The other team just see's a regular brick, while the opposing team see's the access code to the armory.

He's taking about prints that look a certain way for certain teams. This is definitely not possible conventionally. You could make a pad in front of the sign that changes the print to one for the standing players team, but the only setPrint events are mine and those were failed.