Author Topic: When we break 40k BL_IDs  (Read 5910 times)

I do believe he only keeps nine dollars of every purchase.
he makes $9, garagegames makes $11
PayPal takes some of that money aswell, so more realistically Baddy makes $7.
Let's settle this.

Money goes to:
- Badspot
- Helpers
- Garage Games
- Website
- Server Hosting
- PayPal
- Software

I'd say that there are three main helpers, kompressor, Rotondo and Ephialtes.
So, I'd say that each person on the list, except Badspot, gets about $2.21 off of each purchase.
I'd say that Badspot gets about $2.22.

P.S.  These calculations are only if the money is split equally.
Someone please try to determine how it would really get split.

Also, if this is the actual way that the money's split, Badspot will have made $88,800.00 by the time we reach 40,000 members.

Also, if this is the actual way that the money's split, Badspot will have made $88,800.00 by the time we reach 40,000 members.
That's not rounded.

People always judge newer players because of their higher IDs. I never understood why each ID number isn't just randomized.

Because It's not really organized to just random ID.

Say one person buys an ID. It is for say 1234.

Another person buys one about 5 minutes after the first guy. It is 50123 or something.

Now how organized is that?

I had the most glorious feeling the other day, i helped a 35K player learn to build. And made him learn how the forums work so he can always stay on the "good" side.

It was a good feeling...

Because It's not really organized to just random ID.

Say one person buys an ID. It is for say 1234.

Another person buys one about 5 minutes after the first guy. It is 50123 or something.

Now how organized is that?

I believe you over exaggerated.

There are but a few blids skipped to prevent people from being annoying.

Because It's not really organized to just random ID.

Say one person buys an ID. It is for say 1234.

Another person buys one about 5 minutes after the first guy. It is 50123 or something.

Now how organized is that?

It still gets the job done.

Highest is more like 38015, look at the bottom of the Forums home page.

Not every forum account has an ID registered.
Not every ID is registered to a forum account.

Let's settle this.
No and no.

Badspot said himself that he makes about $9 per key because of taxes. That was however, before he moved.

I believe you over exaggerated.

There are but a few blids skipped to prevent people from being annoying.
IDs skipped:
10000 (auctioned)

No others. He made full profit on every 2k ID because a third party bought them to resell them.

you all forgot about badspots horrible gambling problem.

he invests in random indie developers that quickly fail.
oh yes, and slot machines.

he won the jackpot once

those poor children

Highest is more like 38015, look at the bottom of the Forums home page.

that's FORUM member,s there are stuffloads of keyless, postless forum accounts

that's FORUM member,s there are stuffloads of keyless, postless forum accounts

He wasn't commenting on the number of people we had, he said that 37k was the HIGHEST BLID, not the number of people.