Author Topic: why i'm so mad recently  (Read 5790 times)

it pretty much is.

his mom is a druggie, plenty of people go through with life with parents that are druggies.

the amount of money she stole, drug usage, it doesn't matter, she's a druggie and he needs to get over it
lol okay if my mom uses all of my family's money to buy drugs, ill live on the street, it'll be okay! yeah!

I've seen a few households which have clean relatives who don't do drugs, drink or smoke. My household is like that, but there is a little bit of wine here, which nobody drinks.
My mom's house is that way. My dad has wine on special occaisions. He got drunk exactly once and my mom got so mad at him that he never did it again.
Meanwhile I see dumb stuffs in my school posting pics of themselves smoking weed and cigs and getting drunk on facebook and I'm like "seriously are you loving stupid".

You could talk to the social services about it,
imo i couldn't condone drug abuse let alone alcohol abuse.
especially if it's caused you to be nearly homeless

i hope everything gets better freek

maybe that was his adopted parent
he emancipated himself from the people that adopted him

Freek, just always steal your mom's cigarettes and hide them somewhere.
Yeah, I agree with you.
I wonder if you wish your mom died before the $250,000 was lost.

There is absolutely no alcohol or cigarettes in my house. I've never seen my dad drink in my life. My mom, on average, does it about 1 time every year.
EDIT: I think there's a rotting bottle of wine in an old cabinet above the refrigerator.