Author Topic: Dynamic Labryinth/Maze Solver  (Read 1465 times)

This build is a bot that will follow the closest red node it can get to in a trail. If met with multiple red nodes at once, it will pick whichever has the lowest number (most the time).

1. The way it works is the baseplate has events for OnBotTouch>Bot>GoToBrick [1 - 68].
All those events are disabled by default.

2. Once a bot touches a red node, the node disappears and fires radio waves in all directions except up and down.

3. When a red node is hit by a radio wave, it will tell the baseplate to enable the GoToBrick event that would bring the bot to it.

4. Once the bot arrives to the red node that the baseplate's events brought it to, this disables all events in the baseplate for a short amount of time as to not tell the bot to go to multiple places at once.

Click the image.

Download Link

The download link includes required events and the actual save itself. Extract it and put the files into the appropriate places.

You may leave criticism, thoughts, and ratings below.

wow, that's actually really cool. how long did it take to make this?

wow, that's actually really cool. how long did it take to make this?
In-game it took about 40 minutes because each and every single node must be
1. Named
2. Have a corresponding event on the baseplate referring to it via OnBotTouch>Bot>GoToBrick [Number]

didn't setro2 make one of these except it didnt work lol

didn't setro2 make one of these except it didnt work lol
I believe he may have had inspiration from me. I remember he was on my server whilst I discussed how this would work and he got hyped about it then left the server. It was quite a while ago and I've had this save done for a long while.