Author Topic: Mattomanx being unfair  (Read 2696 times)

He DOES have the authority to do whatever the hell he wants. It's HIS server. He is in control, and if you don't like that, leave, but you can't say he doesn't have authority. That's the same as breaking a law, and then telling a police officer he doesn't have the authority to arrest you.
Doesn't seem that way considering you went on to make this topic.

Look, you joined his server, with his rules. You broke his rule, he gave you a warning. You complained and he doesn't want to hear it. You shouldn't have argued with him and say "okay, sorry, didn't know!"

You are 100% in the wrong here.
You do understand that he has 3 rules, in none of which are clear. One of them is something like "Don't be a jackass" or some variation of it. He never gives any examples, and he never gave me a warning before he kicked me, and then banned me for arguing over a false kick

Sure, it's his server, and he can do whatever the hell he wants, but what he's doing is wrong. He is not thinking through clearly the position and power he is set into. He never gives any warnings before punishing them, and is not completely understandable. I can never negotiate intelligently without being kicked for a half-assed reason. I have the right to argue with him, for there is no rule against it. I felt he did something too extreme before warning me of my actions. It would be okay if I did break a crystal clear rule that he kicked me on the spot, but because of his lack of detail, it precedingly becomes a vicious cycle.

You do understand that he has 3 rules, in none of which are clear. One of them is something like "Don't be a jackass" or some variation of it. He never gives any examples, and he never gave me a warning before he kicked me, and then banned me for arguing over a false kick
The kick was the warning. If you can't comprehend that you don't need to be on the server.

You argued it. That's your second problem. This isn't Wal-mart, the customer is never right. Respect authority and don't be a bitch about it. You joined HIS server with HIS rules. Don't argue your kick, just get it through your thick skull that what you did was wrong. Questioning why was I kicked is fine, getting your answer was clear. DONT DO IT AGAIN. Instead you argue it and then get banned then get even more mad. It's all your fault.

Sure, it's his server, and he can do whatever the hell he wants

but what he's doing is wrong.

 He is not thinking through clearly the position and power he is set into. He never gives any warnings before punishing them, and is not completely understandable. I can never negotiate intelligently without being kicked for a half-assed reason. I have the right to argue with him, for there is no rule against it. I felt he did something too extreme before warning me of my actions. It would be okay if I did break a crystal clear rule that he kicked me on the spot, but because of his lack of detail, it precedingly becomes a vicious cycle.
Correct, end of conversation.

but it's not because it's his server.

The rest of the text is basically useless after the first statement.

KickFlow I seriously cannot believe you are defending this abusive host.

Quote from: Badspot
Might does not make right, friends.  You can't host a party and then fling stuff at people because it's "your party".

The kick was the warning. If you can't comprehend that you don't need to be on the server.
Would you kick somebody for flying over a building, and watching the action? Remember to NOT tell me to go away so I can get kicked.
You argued it. That's your second problem. This isn't Wal-mart, the customer is never right.
Counterargument. This guy's ban reason isn't right.
Respect authority and don't be a bitch about it.
Respect people who give you punishment for no good reasons.
You joined HIS server with HIS rules.
He has 3 rules. None that are specific about his reasons at all.
Don't argue your kick
Don't argue with your punishment. You do understand what I did, correct? Flew around over a building he didn't tell me to back away from?
get it through your thick skull that what you did was wrong.
I played the game and was observing the action. WHATS WRONG?
Questioning why was I kicked is fine, getting your answer was clear.
I asked what I did wrong and argued over it because of how absurd the kick was.
I DID ask what was wrong and argued because the host was being too extreme for just floating over a building and jumping occasionally.
Sure, never observe something again.
Instead you argue it and then get banned then get even more mad.
I can argue, because there isn't a rule against it. If some rule or punishment isn't just, I will argue.
It's all your fault.
Sure, okay.
Just look at Planr's post above and he makes a statement with a quote I've been trying to make for a while.

KickFlow I seriously cannot believe you are defending this abusive host.

He's unforgiving not abusive.
I don't agree with the hosts server rules but obviously you have to respect it if you want to play with him.

Also I see no stuff flinging. Just a stuffty server with absurd rules. He broke it or did something the host didn't like so the host kicked him, and told him he was jumping around like an asshat. That's where hansome dude should have either left because he thought the kick was ridiculous, or just shut up and said "oh, sorry." or just don't say anything and don't jump around like an asshat.

Huzza, this is my first legitimate time being Drama'd.

On topic, I can see why you are angry about being banned.
Yes, my rules are a bit obscure, but this is due to the fact they are supposed to span broadly. I like to conserve space.
My rules aren't entirely formed, I add them as I go. I lost my original rules list due to a computer reset.

For his ban in specific, I had some of my players organized into locations, as we were doing an event. Everything was nice in order...
Then I have him hopping around, bump into me, fly around the stages a bit, and exit.
If you know what I am saying, it's like having a fly buzz around your head.

In the end, I like to warn everyone that on my server, you are prone to ban by anything I find a fair reason, and that they should leave should they not agree to the way I host. He had a warning. I told him to stop flying around, he persisted. In the mid of the day, I deal with a large storm of the usual RP noobs that make RP servers known for what they are: Crappy. I saw him hopping around only as a sign of him being one of them.

To OP: Please consider the fact you may look similar to the target of my ban hammer, an

Btw, I'm an starfish. Don't join my server, any of you.

Btw, I'm an starfish. Don't join my server, any of you.
This made me squint.

In the end, I like to warn everyone that on my server, you are prone to ban by anything I find a fair reason, and that they should leave should they not agree to the way I host.

I agree. However, did you put this in a disclaimer for people who join, like in your rules list, or is this just an unspoken rule to you?

He had a warning. I told him to stop flying around, he persisted.

According to OP, there was no warning given before the kick.

To OP: Please consider the fact you may look similar to the target of my ban hammer, an


Btw, I'm an starfish. Don't join my server, any of you.

Is this how you plan on treating the people that may potentially play on your server?
Please get banned and never come back.