Author Topic: I need help to see if I can make a Functional Minecraft server using Evolve.  (Read 758 times)

Hello everyone! I need some help making sure I can make MC servers.

Minecraft premium/Full edition [PC]

Evolve Gaming Client []

My Evolve name is Hydran101. [No period]
So, if you can. Help me please.
Evolve and Hamachi do port forwarding for games that cant port forward on their own.. I've tested it with Unturned and it has worked. But sofar I have not been able to see if Minecraft works. I am trying to do a clean vanilla 1.8 server using the lan function for the party I make to play MC. I am not looking for help MAKING the server, but I need people to help TEST the server.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2015, 10:14:13 PM by MTrRxx »

I loving know that. I can't port forward is the issue. So I have to rely on Hamachi or Evolve. and No, this isn't a case of 'I'm too stupid to port forward' my father won't allow it unless he isolates this computer.

Is aaaanyone going to help?

If not being able to port forward is your problem, then there's nothing we can do from here. Your friends won't be able to connect through Evolve / Tunngle / Hamachi unless you do that.

If not being able to port forward is your problem, then there's nothing we can do from here. Your friends won't be able to connect through Evolve / Tunngle / Hamachi unless you do that.


Evolve and Hamachi do port forwarding for games that cant port forward on their own.. I've tested it with Unturned and it has worked. But sofar I have not been able to see if Minecraft works. I am trying to do a clean vanilla 1.8 server using the lan function for the party I make to play MC. I am not looking for help MAKING the server, but I need people to help TEST the server.

If not being able to port forward is your problem, then there's nothing we can do from here. Your friends won't be able to connect through Evolve / Tunngle / Hamachi unless you do that.
They're VPNs. That's (a side effect of) exactly what they're intended to do.

However, it doesn't "do port forwarding for you"
It creates a VPN network, which has a lot of potential for security issues
It's a stuffty alternative that simply doesn't work for some games (BL just outright blocks the IP range).

It's better to discuss why he can't port forward, and fix it if it's something that can be fixed
« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 10:15:17 AM by Headcrab Zombie »

It's better to discuss why he can't port forward, and fix it if it's something that can be fixed
my father won't allow it unless he isolates this computer.
Doesn't seem he can.

Also, blockland only blocks the Hamachi IP range, it doesn't block other IP ranges like Evolve and Tunngle.

Ugh. none of you get what I'm saying at all. it's not about the port forwarding, it's about someone joining to make sure I did it right. I'm locking this topic now, thanks for practically Zero support on what I really needed.

However, if you DO want to try to help me, Pm me.

And it's not about damn port forwarding >_<

There's nothing to help with here because
my father won't allow it unless he isolates this computer.
Is the problem

A lot of parents won't allow their kids to do this because they have this incorrect idea that port forwarding is insecure, which it isn't at all.
Setting up a hamachi network behind his back actually can be insecure; hamachi is a VPN, they're usually set up on work networks to show you to connect to your work computer from home: access your work computers files, access other devices on the network, etc. It's not something you want on your home network

Helping someone a) go behind their parents back and b) set up something they don't understand isn't something I'm going to do
« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 12:21:50 PM by Headcrab Zombie »