Author Topic: The extreme lack of Coop focused rpg games.  (Read 2241 times)

borderlands doesn't have ANY replay value whatsoever

Did you even play the game?  It has tons of replay value.

There are tons of raid bosses to fight, forgettons of bosses to farm and TVHM and UVHM.

Did you even play the game?  It has tons of replay value.

There are tons of raid bosses to fight, forgettons of bosses to farm and TVHM and UVHM.
That doesn't mean it is fun to replay, or has any good value to replay through.

That doesn't mean it is fun to replay, or has any good value to replay through.
Whether or not it's fun to replay isn't the point, that's all opinion based.

Whether or not it's fun to replay isn't the point, that's all opinion based.
Farming through or going through borderlands again is for crazy people.

Farming through or going through borderlands again is for crazy people.
I've beaten BL2 approximately the same amount of times I beat Pokemon Blue when I was a kid; 30-40 times, TVHM and UVHM included.

payday 2 has some pretty good co-op

X-Men Legends 1 and 2 are crazy fun co-op RPG games.

Hero Siege sucks singleplayer but it's amazing in multiplayer. I'm considering raffling an extra copy, but that's for a later time.

The day they make a final fantasy game thats co-op (not MMO, there is a difference) and not stuffty, i will die happy

The day they make a final fantasy game thats co-op (not MMO, there is a difference) and not stuffty, i will die happy
Hey uh, You've been dead since 2003.

Hey uh, You've been dead since 2003.
yeaaah no. I would think you would know what i mean by my post. I'm meaning something new, not something from 12 years ago.  
EDIT: To clarify, Id like it to have similar gameplay to 12, without the cost and grindyness of 11. 4 player party, either lan or online, similar to borderlands online style. The game is perfectly possible with 1 but is signifigantly more fun/easier with more. Possibly add in a "bot replacement system" where bots take the place of missing classes when the room is either not full or only yourself and they follow the gambit system from 12.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2015, 08:44:29 PM by Ninja Decoy »

The only problem I have with borderlands is that its simply too linear and gun focused that it hurts. We spent hours on hours fighting the same class of enemy with no variation aside from "vehicle" combat. The story is alright, 2's story was really good. I've heard from reviews that the boss fights were really epic and it took strategy to kill them. This wasn't the case when me and my friends busted Wilhelm down within a minute. We thought there would be a second phase fight or something but we only got one or two good launchers and some eridium...

I'd say the only good one was Bloodhawk seeing how she changed forms which meant that using that type against her wouldn't work. So you would need to mix up your gunstyle a bit...

Its just too repetitive for someone like me who's got an expansive game pallet. I enjoyed the story but that was the only thing about it. Raids were annoying and friends kept complaining about the loving slot machine blowing them up or something I can't recall what exactly happened.

Like honestly I get the whole aspect of being excited for occasions like "Oh boy! What new gun will I get this time!" but it kinda defeats itself seeing how you can pretty much get free keys these days and just fill up your bank with purple weapons from the crate in sanctuary.

On another note, it also seems to have mistaken the rpg concept. Putting points into one major action skill, and others into useless subskills really isn't that in depth I guess you could say. It's mostly just "Put a skill point in this tree for more damage", "Put a skill in this one for ammo when you kill stuff". I don't usually enjoy run n' gun games unless they have another interesting mechanic or concept that separates the endless ammo hoarding and freshens up the game every once and a while.

Games like Vindictus do itself justice and here's why. Sure its grindy and your main goal is to get from point a to b with a class you choose. But, your not using the same repetitive combat style all the time (this isn't entirely true because all the archer does is shoot and call down arrows, then again who the forget plays the archer). You have multiple combos you can pull off and they interact with the enemy so damn well. You can loving impale someone on your sword and use them to beat the stuff out of other enemies and its even better when you have multiple people around you doing the same thing, its like a warzone (especially the bosses). But sadly Vindictus's linear level design just makes me put the game on haitus until I can work up the strength to double click the game and join my friends for more linear gameplay.

Anyway, thanks for some of the suggestions and I'll look in to them but I hope I can give you proper reason on why I stay away from games like borderlands.

That was the point - Wilhelm was a joke because Handsome Jack wanted to trick the Vault Hunters into using a sabotaged Power Core and open Sanctuary to devastation.  Hell, there was a cut line in the game where HJ basically said he poisoned Wilhelm to make him easier to kill.

Wait...linear?  What, were you expecting this to be freeroam?  Yeah...maybe if you beat the game but this isn't your sandbox.

...Bloodhawk?  I think you mean Bloodwing.  And really there isn't much strategy to her - Just do Explosive elemental damage and she's forgeted.

How were the raids annoying?  There is Terramorphous, Vermivorous, and, going into DLC territory, Hyperious, Master Gee, Pyro Pete, Voracidous, Dexiduous, and the Son of Crawmerax.

Golden Keys only get you so far.  At OP8 they are jack stuff useless as every enemy turns into a massive bullet sponge that can break your shield just by tapping it with their finger.

While I am defending the forget out of the Borderlands series, I still have my own negative points towards the individual games and will gladly ream their starfishs full of elitist hate despite knowing full well that Gearbox will not fix their stuff unless it's horribly game breaking and wide spread (like the Evil Smasher pre-patch).

I heard Destiny is fun.

What about...Dying Light?  I haven't really touched that game for a while, but it has...RPGish things?  Maybe?

Mercenary Kings?
