Author Topic: I have an idea for an update  (Read 519 times)

What if the Blockhead Bots had name above them, like players do?

When they are spawned in right when the hole was made, They have "Blockhead" above their head.

Then They got renamed, Ex: I named my bot "BOT Christopher", BOOM! They have "BOT Christopher" above their head.

Badspot doesn't do updates for content anymore. But it would sound cool for an add-on.

Badspot doesn't do updates for content anymore.
people keep posting things like this and it doesn't help anyone; these kinds of things are better fit for the "blockland is dead" topics

this used to be possible with mods, but now the methods you need to do this are locked behind a password, and you can't really release any mod that accomplishes this. the best you can get are gross workarounds. the function was locked because people were being jokers making people think they were badspot or smth and it caused some confusion apparently, so now we don't get to use that function any more. i feel like maybe in hindsight it was a bit of a kneejerk reaction but that's where it's at now

You can do this by using the setaishapename event (although it wouldn't spawn with a name right away.

You'd do this using onbotspawn > bot > setaishapename > -name- -color of name-

Link to event topic:

It's a static shape though, like otto said you can't accomplish the real deal anymore.