Author Topic: holy forget Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is getting trashed  (Read 5719 times)

its not as good as the other two
There's more than two other games tho?

Well you can't exactly dump the gameplay unless you hated HR. The only bad things I've heard in reviews elsewhere is that exploration is limited, and the ending is just kind of sudden.

There's more than two other games tho?

People don't talk about invisible war.

People don't talk about invisible war.

Invisible War was great compared to The Fall.

Invisible War was great compared to The Fall.
mobile games dont count as real

Invisible War was bad. The Fall was even worse. Just stick with Deus Ex and HR.

I think this video by Jim Sterling is a pretty good video on the subject of Mankind Divided and microtransactions, as well as the old pre-order bonus thing that went on.

It's a 19 minute video in total, but you can shave off several minutes by getting right to the real part of the video at 01:56 and watching until 13:38, since after that it jumps to some subjects irrelevant to Deus Ex.

How bad are the microtransactions in Mankind Divided compared to The Fall? I've beaten The Fall without spending a penny on anything(Other than the $6.99 I paid for it). Running around with a silenced pistol(Especially the golden pistol that has a ton of damage) headshotting people or stealth-punching everyone works wonders. The shotgun(especially the Mongoose or whatever with more damage than the default) is also pretty good, too.

It's their game if the developers don't want you loving up their game that's their business.

What's with self entitled gamers these days that get pissy when told they can't modify a game.
it's up to the developers to attempt to make it difficult to mod, if they choose to

but gamers have been modifying the games since the beginning of computing (and gaming in general)

Other than the microtransaction system, is the core gameplay any good? I really enjoyed HR and was looking forward to another installment for awhile.

Other than the microtransaction system, is the core gameplay any good? I really enjoyed HR and was looking forward to another installment for awhile.

« Last Edit: October 01, 2016, 02:31:08 PM by Timestamp »