Author Topic: tell me your life history  (Read 2865 times)

1-13 years old:
I basically don't remember stuff from this era. I was an awkward kid, I was homeschooled, I wasn't attractive. Anti-social attitude started at a young age.

14-15 years old:
Pretty sure I was in bootcamp for this. After that I had 1 year in public high school. It wasn't very memorable. Didn't have any growth as a human being.

16 years old:
Moved to Australia. Life kinda changed. Suddenly had to be independent, and I got a fresh slate. Warmed up to people, was basically the most popular kid in school. I was still learning so I ended up loving my reputation anyway. Learned a loving lot about people and some kind of explosion of maturity

17-18 years old:
Very social era. Met a lot of people, went a lot of places, was drunk a lot, went to clubs, got mugged, life was exciting, but I decided I hated it anyway. Began phasing out my friends and settling backs into my anti-social nature.

19 years old:
University, video games, not many friends. Life is... simple, and comfortable. To top it off, found a girl and things are going great, overall my life is pretty okay... at the moment.

Eldest born in Wahroonga, I remember my original house and the general location, but not the city name. My memories kick in by the time we moved to West Ryde, where my brother happily flushed my Woody and Buzz Lightyear toys down the loving loo a couple days before we were set to move out my grandparent's (mothers) place while waiting to finalise paperwork on my main home.

Didn't make any friends in Preschool. Actually got shunned a fair bit; one cunt would constantly ruin all my drawings. Same goes for my first couple of weeks in Kindy, but eventually after that move I mentioned, I made friends at the new school. Aside from some minor bumbling behaviour and a tiny bit of a rebellious spirit (teach told me to escort a girl to some kinda of performance practice and then come straight back for my nap, I didn't want to nap so I just watched the chick at practice and got chewed out for it when I got back much later), I was essentially a Grade A student, Crybaby and Nerd until Year 6, where some of my latent dramatic personality started to kick in (the year before I had made a killer speech that got everybody in the classroom laughing) at the cost of me becoming a major procrastinator.

I'm gonna save the High School stories for another time...they're so wild and detailed. Either way, came out the other end with a chick on my sleeve and a partial scholarship (+ an external scholarship) for a Game Design degree. That chick didn't work out; barely kissed before we split ways, and my next relationship didn't fair much better (kinda rushed into it after the first one tanked).

College was real important; I'll cut the fat and get the points down. I met my best friend, a Swedish international student who really opened me the forget up, I got gigs with Ubisoft, Pixar, HP and so on, I actually made some video games and, even though I failed one class two times, I finished up with an internship-turned-contractorship at an actual games studio (which is looking to turn into permanent employment at this rate).

College also saw me with another failed relationship (a loving lunatic who asked me out because she stalked my Facebook and liked what she saw), but this one got out the gates; the psycho broke up with me after more than 6 months because I refused to forget her every single day, given I physically can't skip my college classes and my other commitments to meet her every loving whim. But everything I learned with her is helping me now; got a date that a brilliant girl I really like, and I'm taking the lead on this one.

You balance out the cons, such as my poor health (bad liver, a potential tumour, sinusitis, partial iGA deficiency) with the pros (money, games, girls, friends, opportunities, a bit of faith surviving), and you're set for a pretty sweet life.