Author Topic: why the forget is psn not free anymore?  (Read 3461 times)

Multiplayer should be free

no fu. and after you pay, you still have to look at those ads.

Because a 400 dollar console isn't enough to make a profit.

It's not cheap to produce a gaming system.

Because a 400 dollar console isn't enough to make a profit.
IIRC console manufacturers actually sell the consoles at a loss, then make profit by charging game developers licensing fees and royalties

Charging for multiplayer access is a combination of paying for server upkeep, and because they can and you'll pay for it
« Last Edit: October 02, 2017, 02:33:45 PM by Headcrab Zombie »

I personally don't believe that consoles are sold at a loss, seems fishy to me that an underpowered system would cost around $700-900.

I personally don't believe that consoles are sold at a loss, seems fishy to me that an underpowered system would cost around $700-900.
Well unlike a PC that you would build yourself and only have to account for the costs of the components, when you buy a console you're also paying for all the things like R&D and marketing that the manufacturer spends

I know you're paying for manufacturing the console as well, but you don't really pay for the marketing or R&D, just like a Pre-built PC

I know you're paying for manufacturing the console as well, but you don't really pay for the marketing or R&D, just like a Pre-built PC
consoles aren't just pre-built PCs. they often have custom-made hardware and OSes and substantial marketing campaigns and deals with software developers behind them to help secure their market share. there's significantly more R&D and marketing that goes into a mainstream console than you could say for any prebuilt PC. added to the costs of manufacturing and shipping millions of units, i don't think it's too much to say there may be a much smaller profit margin than you think

I know you're paying for manufacturing the console as well, but you don't really pay for the marketing or R&D
Yes you do? Why wouldn't you?

Any cost a business incurs developing it's product increases the cost per unit, and has to be paid for by income that company makes selling that product.

just like a Pre-built PC
A prebuilt PC manufacturer just buys existing hardware from Intel, AMD, Nvidia, etc, and slaps it into a case, then install a pre-existing OS on it. There's no R&D there, as another company has already researched and developed everything for them. But it's not that simple for consoles. A lot of console hardware and software is custom.

Marketing is extremely different too. With the nature of PCs being a constant stream of small upgrades, there's no reason to heavily market any one model, just the brand itself.

But with several years between models of a console, tons of money is spent on heavy marketing campaigns. TV, radio, internet, magazine, every form of advertising you could think of. At work, we've considered attending some professional conferences to advertise our product, but didn't want to pay the cost of tens of thousands of dollars. I can't even begin to imagine how much a console manufacture spends to advertise at E3.

you make a good argument for PS OS and MS (game system) OS

all television consoles should just now become steam box type of models. licencing should require no less than $400 MSRP and maybe no more than $1000 MSRP models.
devs should be required to make games within that workable range.

video game industry solved.
- creates competition
- lower prices
- more brands can be involved
- nintendo/sony/ms can still be the main OS names to run the show so to not over-saturate the market

it isnt happening because the 3 companies want to scrape that thin line to not lose people to pc gaming.

You get loving free games and discounted stuff out of PSN+ anyways.

If multiplayer payment was separate from PSN+ I would be mad.

I know you're paying for manufacturing the console as well, but you don't really pay for the marketing or R&D, just like a Pre-built PC
On top of what everyone else is saying, they're also very compact.
You cannot just stick the same cheap oversized supercooled hardware into a tiny box. Comparing two parts of equal power, the smaller one will be more expensive. That's just how things work in terms of hardware. Obviously not for things like monitors, TVs and speakers, but I'm sure you get the point.

Just use this

You are done after that.