Author Topic: New Player Type!  (Read 9357 times)

Basically, Yes.
You really expect people to get excited?


Playertypes aren't so exciting unless it's a whole new model
The only playertype I use is No-Jet Player, which is default, or a modified version of it, which I don't bother releasing because it would be absolutely pointless.

The last Player Type I remember seeing people get excited over was 'Sonic Like Player'.

Gotta admit, the worse the Player Type / idea, the better the rating.

Don't expect too much from 8-10 y.o.'s.   ....or anyone.  Yeah, just don't make any more Player Types.

Yeah, just don't make any more Player Types.

I think its better to make requests, and not just ones out of midair. Personally, I need a special one, but forgot exactly what it needs.


I think its better to make requests, and not just ones out of midair. Personally, I need a special one, but forgot exactly what it needs.
If you remember i'll be more than happy to give it a shot.

I didn't even download it because I have no idea what it does.
You describe it horribly.
LOLOLOLOL You both fail :D

I found a use for it!
BEcause i have sand and two zombie tanks digging under it UNDER THE PLAYERS FEET!!!
Total madness when they break the sand and start attacking the confused player  :cookieMonster:
« Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 05:46:04 PM by Phantom »

Player Type
IS BROKE!!!1!111one1!1"

???!!!!explanation mark!!?!!?!?

???!!!!explanation mark!!?!!?!?
I got bored while typing............. and I decided to exaggerate this | | much.

LOLOLOLOL You both fail :D

DOUBLT TOAST: Why the bump anyway?

 :cookie: :cookieMonster: COOKIEMONSTER ATTACK X3 looks good..

Meh. I know how you feel.
I though everyone would love my prototype player but, *sigh*.
there's an edit of it that i know of that pwns....

I hate it!!!1!!!1  It has no point to it, you are just a noob that was bored and quickly made a crap-on add-on and posted it to see what handicaps would like it!!!!!

:cookie: :cookieMonster: COOKIEMONSTER ATTACK X3 looks good..
How come when ever there is a bump, it is something stupid like this?