

Jet plane
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Author Topic: jet plane VS dragon  (Read 49090 times)

insane amount of heat near the plane = baibai plane

insane amount of heat near the plane = baibai plane
If you can manage to get it.

Which would be rare on the dragons part.

The pilot would also have to be a idiot to fly that close.

But Dragons don't exist.

Jet Plane.

I you can manage to get it.
fireball next to plane = fire in plane

But Dragons don't exist.

Jet Plane.
thats terrible logic
because if that were an arguement, this thread would even be here.

The pilot would also have to be a idiot to fly that close.

can jet planes do a U-turn in time to avoid a fireball?

>>>>O        <<<(plane)
if the fireball is heading where he is going to be, then he is dead.

insane amount of heat near the plane = baibai plane

Wouldn't be hard because dragons are so maneuverable in the air

can jet planes do a U-turn in time to avoid a fireball?

>>>>O        <<<(plane)
if the fireball is heading where he is going to be, then he is dead.
No, but

---------------->>>>O  \----     

Just use a harrier to forget with its mind by stopping and flying upwards in mid air.

And now, a comparison of the A-10 Thunderbolt II and F-15 Eagle to a generic dragon.

Also, for those of you who don't know, this is the GAU-8 Avenger.
Specifically look at 13 seconds in.

Raptor plane has better manuverability.

The drag cigarettes are still going to say the dragon has better maneuverability anyway. Besides, over short distances, planes don't have very good maneuverability. Seriously though, a dragon would stand about as much chance as a helicopter with a flamethrower on it. Maybe a little more.


in that case
jet planes dont exist
but there are planes with jet engines that have deadly weaponry on them designed by the military.