Author Topic: Post your first post  (Read 4529 times)

Just post your first ever post(or your oldest one) and laugh at them.

Here's mine:

Okay, So I have blender and i have made a few models. How do I put them in the game and how do I make the handles be in the blocko's hand properly?

Cookies for anyone who can tell me!  :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

P.S. This is my first ever post.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2010, 08:49:49 AM by Deriboy »

I am so embarrassed..

i have been working on google sketch and dont get how to make stuuf 3d or guns cars and stuff like that plz help

I was such a noob.
Quote from: Darkhawk
It did not work.Why did it not work I typed it in exactly how you said? :nes: :iceCream: :panda: :cookieMonster: :cookie:     
Heres an even worse one.
Quote from: Darkhawk
Ok Everyone download this! And get on now to Darkhawk's game!( the only game on) and everyone make an orc! so i dont friggin pwn you if yur a human, I have the iron broadsword!(I shoot the fireballs at once)
When you finish downloading it, just open it extract it to desktop, open new folder and double click the AgeOfTime icon! :nes: :iceCream: :panda: :cookieMonster: :cookie:
By the way both the topics were too old so i had to make my own quotes.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2010, 12:16:41 AM by Darkhawk »

Here's another one where I'm trying to be cool...
People REALLY don't like it if a weapon overwrights(sp?) another one.

mine doesnt exist anymore

Just post your oldest one, or just an embarrassing post.

mine doesnt exist anymore
Make a quote manually, i had to for both of mine.

Quote from: Ruy Hayabusa
spenny, its a face, its the ski mask

was putting on a poll in off topic and somehow i got the options to be square

Choose your vote! :cookieMonster:

First post:
Quote from: Pie Clan thread
looking forward to it
Four posts later:
Quote from: DOG CLAN!! (DOG) thread
WOW A DOG CLAN REALLY NO WAY I DONT WANT TO JOIN YOU loving NOOBS!!! WOW I MEAN COME ONE "DOGS"? i love dogs and everything but this is lame

Today I was playing on a server called "Caveman RPG - host KRS1" and after some time I joined, everyone got on the subject of Homoloveuality (Don't ask me why) and once I expressed my disapproval of Homoloveuals, I was banned first with the message "MY BROHTER IS GAY" I rejoined after a minute, ready to give the host a piece of my mind, and the Host called me several stupid names, and I was Permanently Banned with the message : "Your parents are morons. You are brainwashed. F***ing Cunt"

ehm i dont know why but yesterday when i where going to play blockland my pc coulndt find the code and that mail with it was in my spam folder and i forgot to move it can some1 plz help me :'(

i know its damn stupid to not move it but i forgot it :(
could be way worse...