Author Topic: Hey, I'm from ROBLOX, I'm really considering moving to Blockland. :D  (Read 24035 times)

Hey guys. I'm from ROBLOX. The game is really laggy and has a horrible immature community. I am thinking of moving here, it'll take a while to get used to the building, though. :P

Welcome to BL.

Don't act noobish around those regulars and things will be just fine

Hello there. Hope you enjoy your stay.

Why hiya there. Hope you join up, it is a very nice game and a great community.


Magick lies. The community is horrible. You're going to die in the next five sec- don't even move - a sick, twisted puppy kicking community who worships a chaos god is behind you.
But it's a great game!

Magick lies. The community is horrible. You're going to die in the next five sec- don't even move - a sick, twisted puppy kicking community who worships a chaos god is behind you.
But it's a great game!
The community is good apart from the odd topic about love/racism/religion. If you don't like that, stay out of the off-topic section.

The community is good apart from the odd topic about love/racism/religion. If you don't like that, stay out of the off-topic section.
and/or drama

Congratulations on realizing that you actually build in Blockland.
Good to know people slowly notice how the ROBLOX community is full of kids.

Then again, so is ours...

Anyway, enjoy your stay, and make sure you don't earn a bad reputation.

Congratulations hope you enjoy your stay
« Last Edit: March 07, 2010, 01:15:24 PM by Frenchfrie »

Congratulations hope you enjoy your stay
Stop posting that you snake

Meekl is like that you know  :cookieMonster:
Yeah, i just danced on your car.

Welcome to Blockland. Nice to see someone from Roblox who isn't trolling or complaining.