Author Topic: Excitebots - That game where you do EVERYTHING while driving a robot at 400 mph  (Read 402 times)

I rented it.
you play poker, kick the winning field goal for football, kick the goal for soccer, grind on a rail and jump high to catch musical notes, play a tambourine, swing on bars and get turbo boosts, land a strike, run(with your robo-legs) off a ramp and fly to free butterflies, and fish on the lake.

All while driving a bat, crab, hummingbird, turtle, frog, beetle, spider, or a ladybug.
and trying to stay in first place

holy forget, this game is epic and all over the place.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2010, 08:14:44 AM by Madmitten »

Did they pay you to try and rhyme?  :cookieMonster: