Author Topic: Children with things they don't/shouldn't have.  (Read 7445 times)

It makes absolutely no sense to pay extra money for texting. Think about it, you can call somebody for a good price, but you cannot get a plan with only texting, you get calling plus anything else you want so it ends up costing more than calling alone anways.

I don't get why people complain when it takes other people too long to text back; saying it is faster.

People would rather text than talk... that way they can think their responses out more or makeup a excuse if they have to.

People would rather text than talk... that way they can think their responses out more or makeup a excuse if they have to.
When I get my first cellphone, the moment someone texts me, I'm gonna call them and say "What do you want?"

I was at the Mart of Wal the other day, and I saw these two guys in their twenties hanging out in the parking lot, smoking cigarettes.  However, they also had their phones out.  They were both thumbing their phones like crazy, and then one guy's smoke goes out.  I see him hesitate, then type some stuff, and the other guy looks at his phone, pulls out a lighter from his pocket, and the other leans over to let him light his cigarette.  The newly-lighted guy then nods, pushes a few more buttons on his phone, the other guy smiles, and then they both put their phones into their pockets at the exact same time and get in their truck, which they were standing right next to the entire time.

They didn't have smartphones when I was 11.

I hate it when I see little kids running around gloating about how they play Halo 3 and Modern Warfare 2 on their Xbox 360, thinking that now that they played those games they know all about warfare, weapons, tactics, and the current situation in war today. This one kid at my school actually said to another, "Yea guys Makarov is a real person!"

Why do you care if these people are paying more than they need to or are paying for somthing that they don't need. I don't care if my cousin has an iPhone at the age of 8 because it's not my money. They are consumers and they spend money so the company can make more useless things for them to buy and repeat of the cycle. If my sister (8 years old) got her own laptop for her birthday I would care because its not my money paying for it. You sound like some old hag who had a horrible childhood so you take it out on some internet forum.

Also, does anyone else remember the time when cellphones were used to CALL people? Now it's just mostly texting and it pisses me off.
Texting is easier and cheaper

I hate when people text me whenever Im in the middle of something. loving annoying.

Well, you could have someone CALL you while you;re in the middle of something. Not only will you have to deal with your ringtone and stuff, it's harder to ignore and reply to later unlike a text

There's this really short 7th grader on my bus who cusses all the time to make himself sound cool, always tells people stories about how he cussed out his teacher and how he got detention, calls every girl he knows a bitch, and tries to make himself look like a gangster. Plus he has a really high voice and his balls haven't even dropped yet probably. God he makes me so frustrated I just want to punch his face in. What's even worse is he always tries to sit with me and he thinks I'm his friend.

Also, every 5th-8th grader on my bus has a cellphone. I got mine in my Freshmen year like everyone else, wtf. All I ever see these little girls doing on my bus is texting. Plus the 7th and 8th grade girls wear way too much make-up. It's disgusting.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2010, 08:33:12 PM by Solid »

I know a kid just like in Solids post except he doesnt act at all gangster because he just sucks so much at life and being older than 10.

forget texting haters.

I spend most of my time in college or work, neither of which I can call people in the middle of. There's a reason for it, even if it doesn't directly apply to your life.

I had a cellphone when I was 7 years old.  :cookieMonster:

I have a phone, and I'm 11, but I only use it to call my parents when they're not here and call my friends to see if I missed homework. (going for gold honor roll)
I hate it when people in my class swear at each other and everyone goes "OOOOOH" like blatant swearing is an impressive retort.

You don't need a cellphone until you start driving. Arrgghh.