Author Topic: The Berg  (Read 42019 times)

MY FIRST post im the real coloinal marine in bl too im downloading 7,000/10 COOKIES FOR YOU

Did you really have to bump this?

Did you really have to bump this?
Almost all of his posts are stupid as stuff. I'm about to PM him links to a thesaurus, dictionary, and an elementary school because I think someone forgot to attend a few grades...

is it a  :cookieMonster: or a :panda: or a :nes: or a :cookie: or a :iceCream: or is it a headcrab

is it a  :cookieMonster: or a :panda: or a :nes: or a :cookie: or a :iceCream: or is it a headcrab
You are absolutely stupid.

is it a  :cookieMonster: or a :panda: or a :nes: or a :cookie: or a :iceCream: or is it a headcrab
It's a snake

I noticed that these will attack hydralisk AIs.

I noticed that these will attack hydralisk AIs.
Hello?! There both diffrent types of bugs. Ofcourse there gonna fight.

This looks like the zombie B1 Mite.  LIKE AN EXACT COPY.... hmmm....

This looks like the zombie B1 Mite.  LIKE AN EXACT COPY.... hmmm....
LOL. Did you ever look at the bug mod carefully? Trust me, this is nothing close.

Eww this model sucks..... not saying the other part of the word.....


Holy crap, that would scare the fawk outta me if II saw it coming toward me in the dark. 9/10.

Once again, hydralisk is lazy and doesn't finish his model.
This looks extremely rushed.
Is he always that negative?