
How much do you like these?

They suck
I Could make better.
Good for your first, but they could be better.
Pretty good.
Good, but not much effort used, right?
You're off to a great start.
I love them.
Ur teh godz

Author Topic: I like making abstract avatars, icons and desktops.  (Read 3555 times)

To pass the time I make small pictures that don't really qualify as anything else, so here they are.

I might post some others ones I might make later on.

Please tell me which one is your favorite, or if they all are crap.




Edit: New ones!
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 08:21:45 AM by IkeTheGeneric »

That's cool.


All of these took at least five minutes to make.

Anybody can use them, I don't care at all :cookieMonster:

Edit: I don't care for credit either.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2010, 09:14:27 AM by IkeTheGeneric »

Make backgrounds.


What size of backrounds?

Or are you meaning something like desktops?

I guess you could call THIS a backround.

Pretty neat, what program do you use?

Yes, desktop backgrounds. My current background is a close-up on dexter's face.

overuse of effects but still cool

I like them, they're funky.

Although, I have a suggestion. If you're going to do abstract avatars with transparency, it'd be best (in my opinion) if the design either touched all four edges or none of them.

Can you try your hand at making a background that I could add to my collection?
The dimensions are 1680 x 1050.

Can you try your hand at making a background that I could add to my collection?
The dimensions are 1680 x 1050.


I like them, they're funky.

Although, I have a suggestion. If you're going to do abstract avatars with transparency, it'd be best (in my opinion) if the design either touched all four edges or none of them.

Hmm, I might try that.