Author Topic: Re: Tezuni's stolen model  (Read 19561 times)


  • Administrator
Original thread:

Tezuni posted an M82 rifle add-on that was blatantly ripped from some model he found online.  
Some people call him on it, he denies it and maintains that he made it.
The post was reported (good job) so I look at it.  

Clear evidence of crappy importing.  Someone who had the ability to model this would not rush through the import/export procedure and leave so many obvious errors.

So it looks like a crappy imported model and it is way too many polygons, so I send it to the fail bin and give him a one week ban for trying to pull this stuff.  Stealing artwork is common among handicapped children on the internet, but now that he's been caught and punished he'll learn his lesson, right?

Email Received
Subject: "stuffty Add-Ons"
Hey, this is Tezuni from the forums.

Recently gave me a one week ban for posting an add-on.  I originally made this add-on in Google Sketchup and  used MS3D to add the joints and export to DTS.  I never have been good at modeling in MS3D, so I make a lot of things in Sketchup.  I converted it and patched it up in MS3D as best I could.  I think it turned out well, and although it may be high poly, that's hardly a bannable offense.  I think banning me for it was quite rude and uncalled for, and if you really did not like it, just dumping it in the fail bin would have sufficed.  

Your solution was to ban me, call my hard work a "stuffty Add-On", and not give a second thought as to whether it was really my work or not.

Well, I hope you'll consider unbanning me.  I used it in my server with 0 added lag despite everyone complaining about how high poly it was.  

Hmm, so let's review the evidence.  Heedicalking found this model which appears to be exactly the same model except it was uploaded to the Google 3D warehouse just over one year ago by some guy who is not Tezuni.

Well let's compare, shall we? (click for high res)

*note: The gray box over the magazine appears to be some forgeted up collision or detail mesh.  The original magazine is visible underneath it.

Oh look, it's exactly the same.  I could literally take an infinite number of screenshots of it looking the same because it is the same loving model.

Those of you who have been stalking me paying attention may know that one of my pet peeves is people ripping off artwork and claiming it as their own.  There are some websites where this kind of stuff is tolerated and I hate it.  So when I have the power to punish these kiddies, I do it.  

It boggles my mind that someone would try to pull this off after the evidence was presented or hell, even trying it at all when the original model can be found by typing "M82" into the appropriate google form.  I would assume trolling, but let's face it Tezuni is not that smart.  His email is sincere and he is trying to actually get away with it.  

Case Closed

Verdict: Ban

Commendations to Packer and heedicalking for their internet detective work.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2010, 12:21:08 AM by Badspot »


Badspot making a drama? ._.

Wait, you banned him for a week at first. Did that email make it permanent?

isn't this the guy who constantly makes anti-furry threads to bandwagon himself into self respect?

Someone's going to the Dead Leaves correctional facility. You know, on the moon.


Badspot making a drama? ._.
It's like seeing a gay black man or Bigfoot, amirite?

Wait, you banned him for a week at first. Did that email make it permanent?
Hope it did. Tezuni is the biggest friend/troll/moron that's every walked these forums. Plus a lot of people like to argue with him constantly *coughpandancough* which really annoys me even when he isn't being a prick,

Having the top moderator and CREATOR of Blockland going after one person...

Poor Tez... And he made great furry art too

Tezuni is a narb. He deserves this. The fact that tries to defend himself AFTER heed even gave EVIDENCE is stupidity enough. He doesn't have the balls to admit it.


  • Administrator
Wait, you banned him for a week at first. Did that email make it permanent?

Yes.  I've perma-banned people for posting stolen artwork in the creativity forum before and tezuni has numerous prior offenses.  It's one thing to download and use a model but don't claim that you made it, especially after you get caught.  

Well played, Baddy. Well played.
Well, not really. It was obvious.

There's over 6 of them on there.  And of course they all look like mine, because they're all the SAME gun.  Anyone can find a model of a Barrett M82 online and claim it's stolen because it looks like mine.  Try again.

Tezuni's defencive statement after Heed's obvious evidence.

offtopic, sorta

im kind of sick of seeing realistic models in game anyway. vehicles and guns can be generic and toy-like. its more fitting.

It's like seeing a gay black man or Bigfoot, amirite?

More like a gay Jewish black Bigfoot wearing a turban. :o

I suppose, though, after dodging the bullet for so long, Tez got his just desserts? Hm. I never really followed the trail of drama behind him, he seemed to be a nice boy once you got passed the trolling things. :o

Yes.  I've perma-banned people for posting stolen artwork in the creativity forum before and tezuni has numerous prior offenses.  It's one thing to download and use a model but don't claim that you made it, especially after you get caught.  

So he's now permanently banned? Wow... I think he had this coming

So he's now permanently banned? Wow... I think he had this coming
It's the Catalina wine mixer!