Author Topic: Religious Stupidity  (Read 31020 times)

Why wouldn't earth be perfect? Did he create us just to suffer?

I also want to say: the biblical "days" were before day and night existed, meaing that they are almost certainly not our 24 hour days.

Why wouldn't earth be perfect? Did he create us just to suffer?

like I said, it's a test. if it was perfect, there would be no effort involved. he created us to learn, and become wise.

Why wouldn't earth be perfect? Did he create us just to suffer?
I believe God created it like such so we may learn. :o

Either that or for lols.  :cookieMonster:

offtopic: but seriously what's up with that avvy. is that a baby or what?


You don't know anything about chemistry or physics. First of all, the LHC does not perform nuclear fusion like the sun does. It performs nuclear FISSION. This is basic knowledge. There are not enough atoms colliding to create a large explosion, and they are not big enough, either. Nuclear fission reactions used for weaponry or power generation use uranium 235, which is far more unstable and has far more neutrons and protons than the much less reactive metals used in the LHC like gold.

You don't know any of the science involved, so stop acting like you do. You're 28 years old, I'm 16. You've already played the age card by implying I'm impulsive, so I'm going to point out I know more than you do on the subject.

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."   -Matt 22:37-40

I believe the basic of this. Love all with all your heart.
I've always found that silly. :3 I believe the last one, he is able and willing, but if he were to eliminate all pain and sorrow, why place us here in the first place? Earth is not meant to be perfect.

It's fallacious to assume that a universe with happiness can exist without sorrow and evil. Just because we can't possibly imagine doesn't mean a hypothetical omniscient deity can't. It's an argument from ignorance.

Welp, your view of a god sure makes him a huge loving cunt, and what would his handicapped "test" be for.. kissing his ass in heaven forever?  Sound pretty boring.

It's fallacious to assume that a universe with happiness can exist without sorrow and evil. Just because we can't possibly imagine doesn't mean a hypothetical omniscient deity can't. It's an argument from ignorance.
Vat does that have to do with anything? :o

Over 90% of the people who say they're agnostic are atheists. An agnostic is simply someone who doesn't claim to have absolute truth, and any respectable atheist falls under that category.

I have chosen to be agnostic because while I believe in the creation of the universe through science and all that other atheist stuffs, I also believe that there is something more to life than just living. I want to know what happens when we die.

If I rot in the ground: Cool.

If I become ghost: Cool.

If I go to Heaven: Cool.

If I go to Hell: Hot.

My point is I will not file myself under any religion or non-religion.

Hi, I'm Dan, and I'm human.


You don't know anything about chemistry or physics. First of all, the LHC does not perform nuclear fusion like the sun does. It performs nuclear FISSION. This is basic knowledge. There are not enough atoms colliding to create a large explosion, and they are not big enough, either. Nuclear fission reactions used for weaponry or power generation use uranium 235, which is far more unstable and has far more neutrons and protons than the much less reactive metals used in the LHC like gold.

You don't know any of the science involved, so stop acting like you do. You're 28 years old, I'm 16. You've already played the age card by implying I'm impulsive, so I'm going to point out I know more than you do on the subject.

It's fallacious to assume that a universe with happiness can exist without sorrow and evil. Just because we can't possibly imagine doesn't mean a hypothetical omniscient deity can't. It's an argument from ignorance.

you misunderstand. he could remove sorrow, but it would defeat the point of us being here.

Welp, your view of a god sure makes him a huge loving cunt, and what would his handicapped "test" be for.. kissing his ass in heaven forever?  Sound pretty boring.

i am pretty sure this is just trolling.

I have chosen to be agnostic because while I believe in the creation of the universe through science and all that other atheist stuffs, I also believe that there is something more to life than just living. I want to know what happens when we die.

If I rot in the ground: Cool.

If I become ghost: Cool.

If I go to Heaven: Cool.

If I go to Hell: Hot.

My point is I will not file myself under any religion or non-religion.

Hi, I'm Dan, and I'm human.


Didn't you already post this?

I have chosen to be agnostic because while I believe in the creation of the universe through science and all that other atheist stuffs, I also believe that there is something more to life than just living. I want to know what happens when we die.

If I rot in the ground: Cool.

If I become ghost: Cool.

If I go to Heaven: Cool.

If I go to Hell: Hot.

My point is I will not file myself under any religion or non-religion.

Hi, I'm Dan, and I'm human.

you already said that. why post again?

first: evil is abscence of god, like cold is abscence of heat. and (this is just my religion, and maybe some others) I believe god has left evil on the earth because without evil, there is no point to us being here. he put us here to test us. this without evil would be like an entry exam where the only hing you had to do was fill in a little bubble, with on question, and no other answers.
Why would an omniscient god run a test if he knows the results already? The bible says he's omniscient.

"But thanks to the Big bang, you can never see the point of ignition so you can never truly tell if it did indeed start from a finite point or if it began from a galaxy 30 times our size because that light is still traveling towards us from so long ago. How many assumptions are you going to make to prove a theory?"
That light does allow us to trace the universe back to a single point due to a redshift. I don't know the exact details on it but I'd bet wikipedia does.

"Ionized atoms have an extra electron, not being devoid of one. I think you need to go back to school, my friend because atoms can not exist without electrons. Secondly, since you said no one knows what caused the big bang then why are you so offended about something you don't even believe in being the relying cause? You don't know, so why do you assume that that obviously isn't it? You don't know so you can't argue against it."

Wikipedia's definition of ionization:
"Ionization is the physical process of converting an atom or molecule  into an ion by adding or removing charged particles such as electrons or other ions"

Atoms can exist without electrons, H+ is a proton and occasionally a neutron as well.

Nobody knows what happened before the big bang. It's open for theorization but proof of any theory does not currently exist. My current theory is that a universe existed in the same space before but experienced a big crunch, resulting in the singularity that then exploded creating the big bang.

About science being inaccurate and whatnot: Scientists are fully aware that if something goes wrong with the LHC "bad things" could happen. As such they will take every precaution to prevent any error. The odds of an error are therefore slim. Could something causing the destruction of the earth occur? Possibly. Go out and buy a lottery ticket, your odds are probably greater for winning that than the LHC destroying the universe.

Amade, a valid point you made, but it states "in the beginning" It never said "In the beginning, which was about 6 days, God created the Heavens and the Earth." Everything he did with the Earth is what conspired in those "6days" which on a eternal deity scale can go, can easily equal 6 billion years in comparison. But that's just a personal opinion and is always subject to debate.
Convenient for you, isn't it? A very frustrating thing about being on this end of the argument is that many parts of the bible appear to be written purposefully vague so that evidence would be unable to disprove it. However, that very sentence strongly implies no gap.

i am pretty sure this is just trolling.
He has a valid point, quit simply dismissing people pointing out the critical flaws in your thinking.

He has a valid point, quit simply dismissing people pointing out the critical flaws in your thinking.

no, he really does not. look.
Welp, your view of a god sure makes him a huge loving cunt, and what would his handicapped "test" be for.. kissing his ass in heaven forever?  Sound pretty boring.

nothing new here. just uneducated trolling. also, on another note, whether or not god knows what we will choose, we still need to experience this to become more wise.

lol did I really miss Rughugger not knowing what an ion was?