Author Topic: Hot Girls  (Read 1504445 times)

I like pinup girls.

I like them for the aesthetic value rather than the erotic value.

I swear, once I saw a thread on here almost identical to one on 4chan, and this one is like one on facepunch. Wtf.

I like Asian women.

Click to enlarge.

I like girls that are loving awesome in all ways I can describe. She has an awesome personality, she isn't shallow "omg I hate myself I'm so ugly", and she's loving hot.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 10:34:50 PM by Caution »

Good response, and offtopic:  I have the new youtube layout.

Ontopic:  Idea, who can post the best pic?

Good response, and offtopic:  I have the new youtube layout.

Ontopic:  Idea, who can post the best pic?

There is no best pic. Everyone will have a differing opinion on what is best.

Also, learn to use image tags.

Also also, learn to not do this:

You don't need to add the extra tags. Just post the url.

lol what is this fast threads?

Girl from Mythbusters is pretty hot.
NIPPLE!!!!!11!!!!ELEVEN :D

Nobody is using image tags in this thread I think because someone browsing the forums in a public place probably doesn't want pictures of chicks in lingerie showing up on their screen without their consent.