Author Topic: New Laws, Taxes and Fines  (Read 12400 times)

Go to hell along with your "big badass trample-your-freedom" stuff clan.

AOT shouldn't be shut down.  This drama is funny.

Well why would that make it any more difficult to close down?
How could you close down part of the master server, without closing all fo it?

Quote from: Your tax definition
    Line poclets of the clan taking over to buy items (shields,swords,horses,crossbows,ect..)

Quote from: real tax definition
    Fund the goverment to support public services (lights,protection,medicine,ect..)

 it seems you have a probally about your SO called taxes

I have little respect for anybody who takes a game as simple as AoT and tries to turn into some sort of dramatic role play where people actually give a crap if you kill them and don't let them smash boxes in peace, and the idea of setting up some sort of government where people pay taxes is pretty laughable for a self-proclaimed "barbie horse adventure with spells" game.

But I have significantly less respect for you Blockland kids who everyday come onto these forums to take part in stupid flamewars and laugh about AoT's "silly drama." I swear everyday 5 of you cigarettes make the same stupid "AoT is old no one cares lulz" post, which wouldn't seem so unnecessary if the same freaking post hasn't been made for over 3 years now. This government role play is no worse then your "city role plays" and "lego space adventures." Playing exactly how the game was intended obviously gets old so throwing in some free thinking isn't the end of the world. And to those complaining about drama in AoT, get real. Every time i join a server in Blockland i run into some sort of petty 10 year old drama. I remember when I started playing, people used to give me crap for having a BLID in the 300s. Next month it was the 1000s getting crap. Now its the 10,000s, the 20,000s. Who cares. Everybody is always on about who stole what build, or what mod, or who cheated in a deathmatch, who bans people for no reason. That's why Badspot gave you a freaking forum just for your drama.

If AoT is so old and gay, there really isn't a reason to keep posting in the AoT section of the forums is there?

If AoT is so old and gay, there really isn't a reason to keep posting in the AoT section of the forums is there?
If AoT is so old and gay, and the only people who play it try to run it like a dictatorship, there isn't really a reason to keep it around is there?

It's like national socialist Germany, you live a useless life and die or attempt to rebel.. and die.

How could you close down part of the master server, without closing all fo it?
We do not play on the Master Server, we play on an Age of Time server.

If AoT is so old and gay, and the only people who play it try to run it like a dictatorship, there isn't really a reason to keep it around is there?
Every time the server goes down or gets broken (which happens at least once a month if the server isn't reset) Badspot is somewhat quick in fixing it, and over the years he has fixed any major glitch that appears in the game. Obviously he has a reason for keeping it around, and he probably couldn't care less if you like AoT or not.

Every time the server goes down or gets broken (which happens at least once a month if the server isn't reset) Badspot is somewhat quick in fixing it, and over the years he has fixed any major glitch that appears in the game. Obviously he has a reason for keeping it around, and he probably couldn't care less if you like AoT or not.

Well said!  :cookieMonster:

Every time the server goes down or gets broken (which happens at least once a month if the server isn't reset) Badspot is somewhat quick in fixing it
Most likely because the main server crashed and he was trying to get the Blockland master server back up.
and over the years he has fixed any major glitch that appears in the game.
Probably because you pricks kept bugging him about how it hinders your little government rp you have going.

But seriously, why do people still play this? There's no point when power hungry 9-year-olds are killing you outside of Port Town and dynamiting you inside Port Town. It's become a clusterforget of people all trying to be the leader of one or two people that actually listen to them. The rest of the people are trying to do the exact same loving thing.

Most likely because the main server crashed and he was trying to get the Blockland master server back up.
Wrong. When people use scripts to crash the AoT server, Blockland doesnt go down. The master server rarely ever crashes, where as AoT's server crashes somewhat often, and like I said if it goes a month without being manually reset it gets broken.
Probably because you pricks kept bugging him about how it hinders your little government rp you have going.
Wrong again. All it usually takes is 1 PM or someone mentioning it in the game and hes on it. Theres some glitches people don't even know about that he fixes. Also, theres 3 cigarettes trying to run a government, don't act like the whole freaking game revolves around it. Don't think im defending the roleplaying, but theres plenty of people playing who completely ignore and couldnt care less about "THC."

But thanks for posting when you knew absolutely nothing about what you were talking about.
But seriously, why do people still play this? There's no point when power hungry 9-year-olds are killing you outside of Port Town and dynamiting you inside Port Town. It's become a clusterforget of people all trying to be the leader of one or two people that actually listen to them. The rest of the people are trying to do the exact same loving thing.
Logging in everyday and just smashing crates in the woods and climbing the log challenge obviously gets old to people, having people trying to kill you and killing them back/trying to avoid them is something new and exciting to them I'm sure. But why don't you stop worrying about why other people play the game, whining about the games flaws isn't going to make them stop enjoying it. Just stop posting in this section of the forums and do yourself a favor.

Porto and you loving cigarettes ruined the game for everyone.

Go die in a fire