Author Topic: TF2 Critical Hits  (Read 5318 times)

Mateo and I just had an argument about critical hits in Team Fortress 2.

Regulith: also every cp_badlands server seems to be either locked, nocrits, or both
Regulith: or empty
[CC]Mateo: whats wrong with no crits
Regulith: dumb
Regulith: crits make the game exciting and unpredictable
[CC]Mateo: I guess you would thing that, you know, "games that require skills being dumb"
Regulith: what
Regulith: no
[CC]Mateo: also unpredictable isnt always a good thing
[CC]Mateo: there's no reason to like crits :I
Regulith: i like them for exactly the reason i said
Regulith: if you shoot a crocket and a heavy and kill him, forget yeah
Regulith: at a heavy*
[CC]Mateo: which means you suck, in my eyes, because the only reason anyone finds them "exciting" is if the amount of kills they get from crits is a comparatively large amount of the kills they get
Regulith: when there's some annoying spy and you crit kukri him, then forget yeah
Regulith: no
[CC]Mateo: compared to the kills they get.
Regulith: i rarely get crits
Regulith: you know, because they're rare
Regulith: you just don't like them because they always happen in the enemy's favor
[CC]Mateo: still though you should be able to kill the spy without crits
[CC]Mateo: and if you cant you have no skill
Regulith: and i do
Regulith: but it's fun to get a crit every so often and get it done quickly
Regulith: because then you know the spy is going "this is bullstuff"
[CC]Mateo: but if you can kill him otherwise why would the crit make a difference
Regulith: and you laugh
[CC]Mateo: and that makes you a troll
Regulith: well then i guess i'm a troll
[CC]Mateo: also if you could kill the spy without crits and then the spy kills you because of crits that makes it all the worse
Regulith: here's the thing: i don't care
Regulith: so someone got a crit? it's a damn game, jegus
[CC]Mateo: And Im saying it's a dumb part of the game. you obviously do care about it to some extent since you're arguing about it
Regulith: i care that you think crits shouldn't exist
Regulith: because they're a game mechanic
Regulith: and they belong
Regulith: it makes the game that more exciting
[CC]Mateo: Did I ever tell you my brown townogy as to why thats a bullstuff reason?
Regulith: "will they get a crit? who knows!"
[CC]Mateo: it being a game mechanic, that is
Regulith: no
[CC]Mateo: If you were instantly killed every 60 seconds for no reason other than because it was a part of the game, a lot less people would be saying "it should stay because it's a game mechanic"
[CC]Mateo: Just because it's a game mechanic doesnt mean it should stay in the game.
Regulith: i can't argue with that, and not because it's a good reason, because it's not, but because there's so much wrong with it there's nothing to argue
[CC]Mateo: what's wrong with it then
[CC]Mateo: you say because it's a game mechanic it should stay in the game
Regulith: not ONLY because it's a game mechanic
Regulith: because it's a game mechanic that can tip the game
Regulith: let's say your team is losing
Regulith: to a heavy/medic pair and being owned
[CC]Mateo: that's why it loving shouldnt exist
Regulith: then some soldier shoots a crocket
Regulith: and pow
[CC]Mateo: because it can tip the game.
Regulith: ...
[CC]Mateo: they have classes and team scramble to even that stuff out
[CC]Mateo: seriously
Regulith: tdude
[CC]Mateo: get someone who isnt a stuffty spy
[CC]Mateo: or get your own damn heavy medic
Regulith: why WOULDN'T you want to tip the game
[CC]Mateo: you shouldnt need crits to tip the game, that is what skill is for
Regulith: "well these guys are losing right now so they lose the whole round"
Regulith: so basically you're saying there should be no luck involved in tf2 at all
[CC]Mateo: and if they have a better team setup and players who are better than your team they damn well should win
[CC]Mateo: no Im saying there shouldnt be luck involved that can kill you instantly for no reaosn other than because the game said so
[CC]Mateo: reason*
Regulith: if you had skill you could overcome most crits though
Regulith: reflect crockets
[CC]Mateo: and if you have skill you dont need crits though
Regulith: kill the person before they crit you
[CC]Mateo: so why are crits even needed
[CC]Mateo: and if you dont have skill then get skill, someone who sucks shouldnt be good
Regulith: this is a never ending cycle and i'm going to stop arguing this bullstuff with you because it's only annoying me
4:13 PM - Regulith: good day
[CC]Mateo: lolk.
Regulith: crits are like abortion, a conclusion will never be met
[CC]Mateo: an agreement has already been met, the supreme court argued and came to a decision
[CC]Mateo: crits on the otherhand were just decided by valve and stuff.
Regulith: but everyone else has different views
Regulith: and every argument is always countered by another one
[CC]Mateo: however
[CC]Mateo: I believe they are similar in one case
[CC]Mateo: the side of the intelligent people actually has factual and logical evidence as to why their side is right
Regulith: hurrr

Not that it'll solve anything, but let's hear some good points from both sides.

I only like definite crits, such as a headshot. Crits are annoying, especially in one of our server's random melee-only battles.

The server I play at has 35% crits. Right Truce? :3

I prefer nocrits. Takes luck out of the game so it's more about skill.

The server I play at has 35% crits. Right Truce? :3

Yup. I play there too, but nothing too serious; just with some friends.

Mateo = Hates crits since he is always being crocketed

100% Agree with you, Reg.

Mateo = Hates crits since he is always being crocketed

Actually if that were the reason it would be more likely that he hates crits since he is always being crit-kukri'd as a Spy.

I only like crits when they happen for me.

I only like crits when they happen for me.

Mazochist lol

i like crits even when im getting murdered by them, its part of the game he needs to get over it

I like crits as I play as a sniper, because bodyshotting and getting a crit is kinda useful.

I like crits as I play as a sniper, because bodyshotting and getting a crit is kinda useful.


then only crit that is annoying is when the heavy gets like 30 rounds of crits
that can wipe an entire team, believe me, ive seen that

People who like crits are looking for excitement.
People who don't like crits only care about their numbers on leaderboards.