Author Topic: Save before leaving?  (Read 850 times)

When you are playing Single Player or hosting your server and you forget to save and end up loosing tons of progress you would wish for this right?
It detects your last save and if another brick has been made from the time of the save and the time you are leaving it would ask if you wanted to save before leaving or if you already saved then it doesn't pop up.

I don't think it's our problem that you are unable to save your bricks.

I don't think it's our problem that you are unable to save your bricks.
Meh, sometimes I'm in a rush to leave the computer and forget to save.

Hey, it's a good idea.

Yeah I actually lost more than half a build because I thought I saved before making a minigame to test it. I left to see if I could find someone to host it for me, and immediately thought: "stuff I didn't save."

You already get a "Yes/No" pop-up before it quits when pressing Disconnect or Quit.

Finally done with a build that took 5 hours to make. *Save* *Quit* *Start A Game* *Loads* There are no bricks in this save! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

Theres something like that its called Autosaver
But this can come in handy

Maybe a simple GUI edit could be good. As you left, it would prompt you to save.

Theres something like that its called Autosaver
But this can come in handy
Autosaver ruined a project LilRobot and I were working on. So, I despise it.

What did it do to the project?

You already get a "Yes/No" pop-up before it quits when pressing Disconnect or Quit.
Yes but I didn't realize I didn't save till after I already clicked "Join a Game"

Yes but I didn't realize I didn't save till after I already clicked "Join a Game"