Author Topic: The Doors of Perception [Machinima]  (Read 8169 times)

Just short machinima me and Zenloth made over the course of 5 days. Not supposed to make full sense since it was kind of rushed  :cookieMonster:
The aircraft carrier scene was a scene from one of our very first movies, hammerhead, if you're wondering. If I forgot you in the credits please pm me and I'll add you through annotations.

(btw the whole reference to the band thing came after we thought of the story, not before. lol.)

Watch it here:
« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 11:41:21 PM by DarkStar »

This video contains content from WMG, who has blocked it on copyright grounds.

Got taken down because Youtube is run my friends that won't let people use things non-commercially.

Put it on your website or for download.

Why does it work for me then :o
Strange, I'll remove the song and re-upload.

Double toast, its up again. With no copyright issues this time.

How are you guys so good at making Machinima??!

Amazing job with the plane catch seen.

That's pretty funny!

It reminded me of one of those old cartoons.

Ok, now I know that I suck at making movies.

That was one of the best blockland movies I have ever seen!

Great work!

That was the best blockland movie I have ever seen!

Also, will you relese that door at 5:00?
« Last Edit: May 27, 2010, 03:19:04 AM by Barakuda »

That had to best Blockland video I have ever seen.