Author Topic: Sleep & Dreams Megathread  (Read 6058 times)

Everyone dreams they just don't remember them. I guarantee if you get a dream journal and start writing what you remember when you wake up you'll start remembering more.

I honestly

Remember most of my dreams.

Without effort.

I have a dream, like, once to five times a month. And I normally remember those. Otherwise, it's just a resting state.

There soon will be laws so you can't do illegal things in your dreams, and your dreams would be monitored with a microchip. :cookieMonster:
I wasn't really talking about that, but yes.  :cookieMonster:

Really, dreams are like a grand mystery - like the moon was - a center for thought, for abstract concept. We didn't know what went on there. It was just a beautiful orb, cast upon the dark sky. It seems since we've landed on it, and we've brought pieces of it home, it's almost less appreciated. There is no more mystery. It's a hunk of rock circling us. I know many people appreciate it and are glad and aware of it's effects on us, but that intrigue; that mystery; that seemingly mystic, almost Divine, concept of it has faded. Gone with the wind. It's similar for dreams. A mystery. Once it's "nature", I suppose, is found and further theorized, it will be seen as just another function. Just something to occupy us. :c

Meh. I don't know. Just seems the world is losing itself because of itself.

No. I don't have them.
How would you know if you can't remember them? :3

How would you know if you can't remember them? :3

you obviously didn't read the whole thing


you obviously didn't read the whole thing

I did. In between , when it seems like just a rest, how do you know you are not dreaming? I can remember some dreams better then others. Sometimes not at all.

You were born, but I doubt you remember that. That doesn't mean it didn't happen, dear. c:

I did. In between , when it seems like just a rest, how do you know you are not dreaming? I can remember some dreams better then others. Sometimes not at all.

You were born, but I doubt you remember that. That doesn't mean it didn't happen, dear. c:

Maybe I don't REM enough.

Dang, I've tried almost all my life to Lucid Dream, and yet I always fail. :C Ah well, maybe I'm just not cut out for this kind of stuff.

I have certain dreams where I can figure out I'm dreaming, but I can't gain control of it. It's very, very frustrating.

I wish I could lucid dream, it would be fun. But I can't even remember my regular dreams. Well I do remember a few, but not many. Also, reality checks don't work sometimes, I tend to act pretty stupid in my dreams, so I don't always realize that whatever it is is impossible.

I killed an old lady with an old red car that looked like this
then i surfed through the air on it :3

I saw a monster in my dream once when i was like 2-4 or something,it was walking to my parents room and for some reason i was sticking myself in the refrigerator.

it looked at me and i kept saying hi and i somehow zoomed my vision to the monsters eye/scar. woke up.

never dreamed again

No. I don't have them.

No you do, everybody dreams, as the body sleeps the brain is still taking in information, Like it was said there's 2 parts of sleep REM and NREM, REM is when you're eyes rapidly move causing dreams. NREM is broken into 2 parts, Alpha and Beta waves when your brain enters NREM it slows down and causes you to go into a deeper sleep. If you wake up during REM then you remember your dreams, if you wake up during NREM then you don't remember or hardly have any recollection of your dreams, you wake up during NREM more then you do. However, there are people that train themselves to sleep more in REM then NREM, which is what I'm trying to do.

Also today I managed to Lucid dream for 20 minutes. I came home and went to sleep on the couch because I was really tired and I woke up after that feeling completely rejuvenated.

I have heard that REM sleep is more restful than other sleep. I'm not sure if it is actually more restful, or if the body just thinks it is.

« Last Edit: May 30, 2010, 01:08:03 AM by Houdini »