
Are you tired?

I cant read the question; Im...                        ...yawn........       ....tired... X|
Yeah; yawn
Not really
Hehehe Im HYPO!!! so, no, not really

Author Topic: Fully Automatic Glock 18 (G18 form Modern Warfare 2)  (Read 50043 times)

Fully Automatic?? AWESOME

Fully Automatic?? AWESOME
Would you say that on a gun that did 0 damage but fired all bullets in 1 click?

not his, anything he posts isnt his.
Get Outta Blockland handicapped richard

Calm down, you know most of these people wouldn't know this gun if it wasn't in mw2, I know I sure as hell didn't...

Hey, I just noticed... The avatar is a Habbo dude.

Actually, I knew about this when it was in The Matrix Reloaded. Still kicks ass though.

I tested this in my server. It fires too goddamn fast to be a pistol. This isn't even a G18. It's a machine pistol. Update this so it's single fire and that you make the damage slightly higher than Gun, but lower the fire rate to be slightly lower than Gun.
Thats the point of it genius.

Wow, finally someone makes a weapon from MW2 that actualy looks good!!!

You eated my cookie :(

Nevermind, I found it... You can have it for making this.  :cookie:

It's nice, but it should be slower and have reload(and for that maybe higher damage by some points)

Now if only there was a dual glock set....

To me it looks like a recolored TF2 Pistol.
Either you don't know what a G18 looks like, or you don't know what the TF2 pistol looks like.

freekin EPIC!!!!


whoops tipo


The Glock 18c IS NOT FROM MODERN WARFARE 2 IT'S FROM REAL LIFE OH MY GODThat's called an extended mag, and it's not default with the gun, they're actually illegal.
naw not illegal only for police
(cant even use it in the millitary!)