Author Topic: Is typing "LAG" going to change something?  (Read 4263 times)

Virtually irrelevant, as I said in my post.  If you want to rebuttal read by post first.The lag icon only appears for those who notice the lag, not for the host.

That's what happens all the time in my server :c

Is typing "LAG" going to change something?

I type it just to piss people like you off. :3
« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 05:39:52 PM by Player »

Here is where I feel people come from when they say LLAAAG!!!1!11!!:
They feel the need to state the obvious, or they just feel like saying it to see is anyone else had it. 
To be honest, people don't really care if you got lag, if you had lag, or are going to have lag.  (sorry if I sound rude, but it gets annoying if you host a server and people always do that.  It's gotten to the point where I just put LLAAAGG!!1!!1! in the e-tard filter :P)

when people yell LAGG!!!11!!11, i just say thank you captian obvious!  AND THEN I BAN THEM!  :cookieMonster:

I usually type "lag" when a lag spike occurs because people may think I have gone AFK without notifying them.

Someone should make a Dr. Hax- style Blockhead that shouts "LAG!" and a red block hits people in the head :P

Someone should make a Dr. Hax- style Blockhead that shouts "LAG!" and a red block hits people in the head :P


Saying lag also uses more bandwith making it laggier
thats excactly why i do this

I heard that someone said earlier that typing, "LAG!" is something to do while lagging. I completely agree with this, but I also think that people are made with a pre-brain-programmed necessity to communicate, which may be a direct by-product of sentience. There are several other occasions where this behavior surfaces as well. Have you ever been watching a T.V. show alone that you usually watch with someone else and then felt a need to exclaim some comment in regard to the previous few frames? Then, of course, you turn to look for the sentient entity to discover that the local area of space has been vacated of foreign human life. Another example is much easier for most people reading this to understand, these forums in themselves. Most of the time, this excessive communication isn't necessary. For a more specific example, how can you explain why I am just rambling on and on about a post that could have taken less than one line? Obviously, it is a combination of boredom and compulsion. So, to finally get around to actually addressing the question, yes. It is going to change something, although it has absolutely nothing to do with the computer. The change is entirely mental.

Erm... nevermind.

Yes, there is some random voodo function that typing "LAG!" engages that reduces lag.

Is making this topic going to change something?

i do it to alert the host of how stuffty his computer/net is, or making his stupid ass aware that he cant minimize the game.
plus it would only bother the people who know they have stuffty computer/net. no one else would ever have it happen to them.
This, I rarely say Lag but only when everyone else starts freezing mid air.

Is making this topic going to change something?
Not unless just under 24,000 people read it.

I just say lag when it's the stupid infinite lag which can only be stopped by destructo wand or being cratered

Just add Lag or any other variations of the word to your E-Tard list.


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