Author Topic: Advance player script. Console Cmd.  (Read 2873 times)

Everyone knows this.

So has anyone else that is advanced.

Nope. It's just typing in a simple command. I bet he doesn't how "findClientByName" works.

Note: this command is host only.
I dont know all this console stuff, but i belive thats a bunch of bullstuff.
Its a console trick, aka can be used by ALL the players.

You think I'm stupid? Please explain to me what each part of the command actually means.
Tom, it's not worth fighting. You'll win but you'll still lose.
I bet this guy doesn't even know what "prefix" means.

Tom, it's not worth fighting. You'll win but you'll still lose.
I bet this guy doesn't even know what "prefix" means.
Yay, okay because when i get an A+ on a math test im really getting an F-
Dont talk big ruhtard.

Don't listen to Moybus! Doing so makes it list your loveual organ size on an international database for all to laugh at!
Don't listen to Megascientifical! Doing so makes the camera the Government hid in your bathroom take a picture of your ass and post it on a website for all to laugh at!

Yay, okay because when i get an A+ on a math test im really getting an F-
Dont talk big ruhtard.
You get an F- for not understanding of what he really meant with that sentence.

I dont know all this console stuff, but i belive thats a bunch of bullstuff.
Its a console trick, aka can be used by ALL the players.

Before you set your mind of that thought, think logically here: If putting a command into console effects everyone, why isn't everyone kicking each other?

Tom, it's not worth fighting. You'll win but you'll still lose.
I bet this guy doesn't even know what "prefix" means.
  Incase your talkin about me. (i think your refering to tom but im not sure) but who dont know what a prefix is? I know this aint advanced at all, but it is to the fairly new blockland players.  Give them a break.

 Prefix = before something

 Suffix = after something

Way to go.

I'm willing to bet you snatched this outta some code you found.

I.E., my rank mod or some RPG script or something.