Author Topic: "Stumble" event  (Read 1974 times)

An event that recreates the ski crash.

It's possible. I've seen it in a server before, was never released though. I loved placing the event on a baseplate then jetting onto it making myself shoot forward like a ragdoll shot out of a slingshot.

[Onbotattacked] [Bot] [Tumble] [5]
Would be win sauce.

[Onbotattacked] [Bot] [Tumble] [5]
Would be win sauce.

Closest thing we could get to a ragdoll.

Closest thing we could get to a ragdoll.
Reminds me of that one other mod.

Tumble would just act exactly like the ski collision. There wouldn't be a "time", just you lose control until you get back up.

Tumble would just act exactly like the ski collision. There wouldn't be a "time", just you lose control until you get back up.

We know that. Well I do

Still, this could be usefull.

Isn't this the "setWhiteout" event or am I totally wrong... probably the latter.

Isn't this the "setWhiteout" event or am I totally wrong... probably the latter.

setWhiteout is a diffrent ski crash effect.

EDIT: Found the event in an old topic. Here you go: Download
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 06:09:23 PM by Audax »

It's been done.
Output event - tumble.

Just tested it. onBotAttacked - Bot - Tumble does not work. onBotActivated - Bot - Tumble works though.

Kind of like what the tranquilizer does?