Author Topic: Water/GhostBricks  (Read 1252 times)

My suggestion is;
It is annoying to have to build in Slate Storm Revised or whatever, without being able to see your own ghost bricks through water. Would be nice an update that you can see them through water and transparent/window bricks.
Don't you find annoying to having to go through the water or the window just to see where are you planting your brick?

Why? What's so bad about SEEING YOUR BRICK through water and windows!?

Dasapples is trying to be cool. Don't worry, this is a great idea.

I don't think it's possible. There's no difference with you floating ON the water than going UNDER the water.
It's just holding a damn shift key, not so hard.

Dasapples is trying to be cool. Don't worry, this is a great idea.

But, as discussed... 1286 times before, not possible. At least, not possible without some major/annoying problems popping up. Please don't pry further, people have tried that before... at least, not me, I stopped caring about the subject long ago...

I think this is un-fixable, it also happens with anything else transparent.

I think this is un-fixable, it also happens with anything else transparent.

Particles also disappear behind transparent things.

Particles also disappear behind transparent things.
Duh, transparent bricks are stan in disguise.

Yeah, being able to see particles and ghostbrics thrugh transperent bricks/water would be nice.