Author Topic: Jon2  (Read 5321 times)

go head and drama me. i've never heard of your challenge. just because 100 out of 20,000 people like your challenge, doesn't give you the right to go "I'm famous"

go head and drama me. i've never heard of your challenge. just because 100 out of 20,000 people like your challenge, doesn't give you the right to go "I'm famous"

Who are you.

Who are you.
Hahaha, someone makes a statement telling you off and you go "Who are you" even though you've barely been here.

Go away. You're not 'famous'.

I've had lots of people come to my servers before, probably over 500 at one point. Heck, my ban list used to have >500 bans in it. I don't see myself going ogm i fomous bcuz peepls joined mah serber.

Jon2 is an idiot.
He also likes to spam servers with stupid emiiter spam and print plates.

He also likes to spam servers with stupid emiiter spam and print plates.

Your my second person who understands.

You aren't famous.
Being popular in a kids' game isn't to be famous.
I've NEVER head of your challenge.
thread backfire

I think I've been to your servers before.

Once I I couldn't get past this part where you had to jump on 1X1 poles and I kept falling so It caused me to ragequit.

I think I've been to your servers before.

Once I I couldn't get past this part where you had to jump on 1X1 poles and I kept falling so It caused me to ragequit.

I don't know if thats in any of my challenges, let my go check my first...

Wow, this was a backfire.

Do I really have to do this to my OWN topic!?

Bomb Kirby,
Your drama topic has officially failed. Get off the internet.


I have made many challenges, and people who enjoy them come to the new ones.
But I started hosting when I was building my 2nd challenge, so to most people, what my 1st one looks like is a mystery.

Badspot hold most players in one hour though.

Badspot: somewhere over 500
Me: 5
You added too many digits there, fixed it for you.

You added too many digits there, fixed it for you.

You added too less digets there.

You added too less digets there.
You're right
Badspot: somewhere over 50000
You: 5