Author Topic: What would you consider to be Blockland's "science"?  (Read 1879 times)

For a reason that may or may not be followed through on, I'm turning to you guys to determine what Blockland's equivalent to science and technology is.  Personally, I'd rank eventing as science and addons as technology, but it could vary since some evented computers would be considered technology.

I was also thinking that the glitches, exploits, bugs, scripting, etc., would be considered the "science" of blockland and that would leave add-ons as the technology.

So, what do you guys think?

The science of blockland is main.cs.dso

The science of blockland is main.cs.dso
no, that's where the magic happens.

The way the client and server work and communicate.

Would science be watching how Blocklanders "mate"?



Think about it.

no, that's where the magic happens.
that's disneyland silly

So generally you all think that Blockland's scripting side is it's science, and eventing is technology?

So generally you all think that Blockland's scripting side is it's science, and eventing is technology?
I'd agree with that.
The scripting is the science behind the technology of eventing.
Makes sense.

Would science be watching how Blocklanders "mate"?


They reproduce by budding!

We do what we must because we can :I Obviously not a Portal reference

We do what we must because we can :I Obviously not a Portal reference
aapperrrature sciiiiieencce

We do what we must because we can :I
For the good of all of us.

So generally you all think that Blockland's scripting side is it's science, and eventing is technology?
Scripting created eventing.