Author Topic: Idiot servergoers these days...  (Read 4571 times)

That is a very good design!
Mind if I "steal" the idea?
i guess its not "steal" its more use the idea

I actually "stole" the idea from the very first trench war server i visited

Actually I could just make there be no builder protection and let the noobs die off. It's possible to build and not get sniped, you just have to know how.

Actually I could just make there be no builder protection and let the noobs die off. It's possible to build and not get sniped, you just have to know how.

That's why you let them build.
Misunderstanding detected: I meant you could still build, you'd just have no protection at all.

Misunderstanding detected: I meant you could still build, you'd just have no protection at all.
That's another thing.

The whole "no killing builders" rule is pure stuff. I don't care where it applies.

That's another thing.

The whole "no killing builders" rule is pure stuff. I don't care where it applies.
You're building then someone kills you.
Pretty annoying.

I believe this is why you gave teammates and weapons, though, is it not?

Hey Loopyla, how's this:

Trench Wars Rules

non combatant playertype for builders

Because I really want to have to put builders into a new team every time they go from builder to nonbuilder or vice versa. Yep.

You're building then someone kills you.
Pretty annoying.
Fight back.

The rules are:
Trench Wars Rules
Do not leech bricks from other's defenses.
Don't buildkill. People with their lights on are builders.
Builder abuse: As soon as you shoot others while in a builder mode,
you loose builder priveledges. Forever.
Builder abuse: Do not dig or place blocks in quadrants other than that
of your own team. If you do so, you're fair game.

I've bolded all the stupid rules.
Oh... I see...