
Do you think Marijuana should be legalized?

Never got high before.
Don't care.

Author Topic: If you could make something legal/illegal...  (Read 24484 times)

I would make legality illegal.

Religion illegal and weed legal.


Cigarettes illegal and Political figure assassination legal under justified circumstances. (I mean, if things go south and you really need to take out the trash, why not)

And pot legal.
More people died from Cigarettes than pot.
No one in recorded history has died from smoking marijuana.

No one in recorded history has died from smoking marijuana.

Beat you too it brah ;) but yes. This is one of the best facts in the world.

No one in recorded history has died from smoking marijuana.

 Make it legal and your crime rate goes down. Just make special areas where you can smoke it, and have some sort of pass to grow and sell it.

I would make 8 year olds on the internet illeagl.
'nuff said.

No one in recorded history has died from smoking marijuana.
I died.

Make it legal and your crime rate goes down. Just make special areas where you can smoke it, and have some sort of pass to grow and sell it.

Thank you for this agreement. Obviously, just look at the Netherlands. Their drug rate is like the lowest because you can legally buy Marijuana. That just proves it; Make it legal- Crime rate goes down.

I died.

 No, you choked on it. That doesn't count stuff.


No one in recorded history has died from smoking marijuana.
From marijuana itself, no. Doing stupid stuff while under its effects, maybe.
I think it should be legal, but taxed and have high penalties for using it while underage.

Thank you for this agreement. Obviously, just look at the Netherlands. Their drug rate is like the lowest because you can legally buy Marijuana. That just proves it; Make it legal- Crime rate goes down.
In Portugal, the rate was 13.8%, and if fell to 9.9% after it was legalized. The distrubution of drugs, however, is still illegal. Possesion is not.

No one in recorded history has died from smoking marijuana.
But they have gotten lung cancer from smoking marijuana and died from lung cancer.

But they have gotten lung cancer from smoking marijuana and died from lung cancer.
Not true, research indicates there are no carcinogens in marijuana smoke.

Not true, research indicates there are no carcinogens in marijuana smoke.

Dump and this. This falls under the ''No one has died from smoking Marijuana" thing.

In Portugal, the rate was 13.8%, and if fell to 9.9% after it was legalized. The distrubution of drugs, however, is still illegal. Possesion is not.

Yeah. Can't beat the facts :P

I'd make it illegal for 12- year olds to play any video game rated T-Ao
Ratings are assigned by a private company?