Author Topic: RP Weather by JJstorm stolen from Iban's CityRPG  (Read 3411 times)

I bring drama from lands afar. After examination, it's obvious that JJstorm had stolen Iban's CityRPG code and released it as RP Weather.
Pastebin for evidence
JJStorm's code for comparison starts from line 281, even the warn() messages are the same.

Wow, that's low. Stealing Iban's code? Really? You can't find a better coder to steal from?

Wow, that's low. Stealing Iban's code? Really? You can't find a better coder to steal from?

Or rather, not steal at all?

Wouldn't expect this from JJ.

You can't find a better coder to steal from?
handicap, stealing is wrong in all ways.

handicap, stealing is wrong in all ways.
If you're gonna steal code, at least don't steal Iban's poorly optimized/cigarettegy code.

saysyouthatnevermadeanaddoniv eseen

Wow, that's low. Stealing Iban's code? Really? You can't find a better coder to steal from?
If you're gonna steal code, at least don't steal Iban's poorly optimized/cigarettegy code.
You are an enormous friend who knows nothing <3.

Everything about Iban sucks. His code, him, his servers, etc.

Everything about Iban sucks. His code, him, his servers, etc.

Everything about Iban sucks. His code, him, his servers, etc.


Drama is a place to post your opinions.

Son, just point on the doll where he touched you.

Drama is a place to post your opinions.
Drama: That place where you rule out other correct opinions and substitute your own.

Everything about Iban sucks. His code, him, his servers, etc.

Disagreed, Ibans addons/servers do have some good and bad parts but doesn't all servers/addons?

Furthermore this topic is true i did take Ibans code. He did come to me in RTB IRC and talk to me about this I admit i did take the code. But only because he had made it already, and I was making it but he had everything made out. I have given him credit so is there any reason to this topic?

P.S. Drama will be drama