Author Topic: New Crosshair  (Read 6956 times)

Ui Edit Dumping Area FTW?

Stop acting like your'e smart.
Also guys stop bumping this.
Who Said I Was "Acting" smart, and besides, i'm revealing the truth, since you trolls are too thick headed to understand it. I bet you didn't even read it...
And all I really heard was

Anti-Spam Snip
Thank you spiker, for once at least 1 person understands, I mean for christ sake.

Stop calling us trolls until you know what a troll is.

this is what makes me laugh XD
Dude, your stupid.
Entire thread is a stupid
People like that make me laugh, And you want to know why?
Because their best comback, is to say something as simple as "this is stupid" Or "you're stupid" or in their language "u st00pid TROLOLOL", or something like that. Now when they come up with an at least Decent Rebuttal, I laugh and cannot take them seriously.

Stop calling us trolls until you know what a troll is.
Troll: A loser without a life of it's own outside of it's own dwelling.
Likes to spend most of it's time harassing people on the internet for amusement.

Good enough definition?
And you must think of yourself as a troll if you say "Don't call Us trolls....."
So Nice job there Moron :)

And you must think of yourself as a troll if you say "Don't call Us trolls....."
So Nice job there Moron :)
He never said he thought of himself as a troll.
He never said he WAS a troll.
And he's not a moron.
And what he means by 'us' is everyone here who's saying this doesn't belong here.
So typically he's saying your calling everyone here a troll.

He's just heard the phrase "Troll" used in other parts of the forum and is trying to act like a smartass.

He never said he thought of himself as a troll.
He never said he WAS a troll.
And he's not a moron.
And what he means by 'us' is everyone here who's saying this doesn't belong here.
So typically he's saying your calling everyone here a troll.
Now tell me this, did I say everyone  in this forum was  troll, did I say everyone on blockland is a troll? No, As a matter of fact I did not, If you had a brain in your head you would know who I was directing those comments to, because you trolls know who you are, So if you take offense to my troll comments, then you must think of yourself as a troll, And if you respond to this in anger, then you indeed confirm that you sir/Ma'am, are a troll.
Also, if you say this doesn't belong here, than yes, you are being a jackass, want to know why? Because a crosshair/Ui Edit is a add-on as defined by blockland administrators, and if you don't believe me, why not go tell badspot that he's a handicap who doesn't know what an add-on is, Besides, if you really despise crosshairs/ui edit so much as you display, why bother wasting your time arguing over something you won't win, because the administrators have already displayed to everyone here that ui edits (etc.) are add-ons, if I must repeat my past argument, Have you seen a SINGLE original crosshair/ui Edit Deleted or moved? No, no you have not, And unless you have the education of a 3 year old, I need not repeat myself further.

And for This guy, This guy right here...
He's just heard the phrase "Troll" used in other parts of the forum and is trying to act like a smartass.
Do I appear to be using the "Phrase" "Troll" correctly? I sure do believe so, Also, in case you've been under a rock (or a bridge in your case.) for the past year or two, Troll has spread quite a bit, it's not just a blockland thing, In any case, I do believe "Troll" was started on 4Chan if i'm not mistaken.

And I can predict your approximate response, However if I happen to state such a thing, you would go out of your way to make sure you Didn't come up with said response.
By the way, it would probably go something like this:
"Yea whatever, ur just being a smartass douche who's trying to act cool when really you aren't, and troll wasn't started on 4chan you handicap you suck at the internets TROLOLOL" Something along those lines :)
« Last Edit: September 22, 2010, 08:39:31 PM by Beefyrulz »


You typically are starting to call everyone trolls.
So far you've started with me and JT.
Your saying we think of ourselves as trolls, but,
You can't make us feel like we're trolls. You can't control our thoughts.
Stop thinking you can make everyone feel guilty. 'Cause you can't.

You typically are starting to call everyone trolls.
So far you've started with me and JT.
Your saying we think of ourselves as trolls, but,
You can't make us feel like we're trolls. You can't control our thoughts.
Stop thinking you can make everyone feel guilty. 'Cause you can't.
Heh, I figured you say something like this.
Now, let me explain something to you kid, I'm not trying to control your thought's to make you think of yourselves as troll's, i'm just pointing out error in you logic, such as JT saying "stop calling us trolls" implying that he think's i'm calling him a troll, but if I wasn't direction the comment to him, then he's standing up to me without reason aside from defending "Troll's", Now I wasn't saying everyone in this whole thread is a troll, i'm just saying that the people who say stuff like "Oh great another stuffty crosshair, just what we need" or "Lock now" or some stupid stuff like that, that's trolling because they're trying to convince these people that make these that they're wrong and lesser than everyone, when they are actually 100% right, and what they are doing is not wrong in any way shape or form.
Now for you saying that i'm typically calling "Everyone" a troll, starting with JT and yourself, notice how i'm not picking on JT, Because he never responded therefor I think he understands, By replying to me, you are defending troll's everywhere, and in doing so, you make yourself a troll, because if you say that what trolls do is right, and they are all knowing, then you too do what they do, because I don't know anyone who supports trolls and doesn't do what they do, there are 2 people in this world, Human beings with souls, and Immature children who find other people's physical and emotional demise amusing (Aka, Troll), Now you tell me, which are you?
This is more than just "I Want to be that, Im not a troll blah blah blah", you have to display to me, that you are not a troll, because only trolls harass people for no good reason, So when you go down on someone's work, you haven't the slightest idea as to how they truly feel about that, what if you worked on an amazing, Breath taking drawing for month and months on end, and when you were done, someone just came by and ripped it up, How would you feel? (Idc if you like to draw or not, if you worked on anything and you put so much work and effort into it, more than you have in anything in you whole entire life, and someone just ruined it, how would you feel about it?)
« Last Edit: September 23, 2010, 12:53:17 AM by Beefyrulz »