Author Topic: Your Writing Sucks  (Read 11435 times)

Whoever has drama over facebook has no life.

^obviously has never had a friend

I used to have facebook drama all of the time because I said things I'd never say in reality

What are these friends you speak of?

drama all of the time because I said things I'd never say in reality
Describes the internet, people will never say stuff up to people's face, but the internet is like a barrier to any physical consequences.

That is true; I'm generally far more polite in public.

Won't stop me from telling you you're dumb but I'll be nicer about it.

Describes the internet, people will never say stuff up to people's face, but the internet is like a barrier to any physical consequences.

Except one time I told this girl I was more of a ninja than her and she punched me in the stomach and said 'who's more ninja now, bitch?'

But then we made out and had loveual intercourse!

Except one time I told this girl I was more of a ninja than her and she punched me in the stomach and said 'who's more ninja now, bitch?'

But then we made out and had loveual intercourse!
punching in stomach is how babies are made?

Punch stomach; insert snake

So uh, the merry band of poop heads come in and drag everything off topic.

So uh, the merry band of poop heads come in and drag everything off topic.

does my writing suck?

But sue is coolbr0
topic is invalid

I forgot to include Draco's story.
His is cool, too.

What about his writing sucks?

You moron, 'your' is used correctly here.

Ah, wow, that's the first grmmar natzi fail I've seen in a while.

You moron, 'your' is used correctly here.
What about his writing sucks?
What is wrong with his writing?
What makes his writing suck?
They all mean the same thing. Maybe it wasn't another idiot grammar national socialist and a legitimate question?