Author Topic: Weapon_DrenSatil (Two(shot)Rifle)  (Read 13747 times)

It's a sniper rifle.
In real life, one shot and you're dead, a lot of the time.
And of course, bullets are supposed to travel (almost) instantly, so I did my best to replicate that.

Do note it has a really long reload time, making it only good for sniping.Thank you.

But the thing is, do you die instantly if the bullet shoots you in the arm? The leg? The place where the body armor is thickest?

Ninjaedit: Yes, hitting the head instantly kills you. But you should fix it so headshots do more damage.

Does anyone elese think it looks like you could stab somebody with it?

I mean dam its sharp looking

Gayness... Looks like my grandpa's richard. And why the hell is the trigger guard square!


Does anyone elese think it looks like you could stab somebody with it?

I mean dam its sharp looking

I like the model. It's simple. Like weapons should be. But, I agree on the over powered thing. Maybe 50 damage per shot with 2 second reload?

Needs more detail.
And I think that blender has automatic flatshading
if you don't have it, here is a tut on a website.

sorry but where is the trigger? or the bolt? or well...... the real gun

oh sorry its your first wep

since i left did the quality of addons just drop? it's a loving rectangle on a rectangle attached to a triangle. the scripting is good but the model needs some serious work.

Despite the fact that it is a sniper rifle, it has no purpose to shooting twice and the model is terrible.

Oh okay wow.

The model is stuff, it is basically 2 rectangles on top of eachother, a handle(Sort of), and a completely unrealistic trigger. And to top it off it isn't even flatshaded. It's overpowered, and even worse it's a FIRST ADDON. One of the general rules of making addons is to never release your first. Or third, or anything until you actually create quality content.

I'll like to see your add-on's bitch.

I don't think you even have any, so GTFO

I'll like to see your add-on's bitch.

I don't think you even have any, so GTFO

Actually, he has two:

Thanks, and he still doesn't need to keep saying the model sucks. I fully understand that now.

seems a bit overpowered. how long is the reload?

The reload is 5 seconds, which should balance it out.