Author Topic: Lego Universe Released on Steam  (Read 1413 times)

It's on steam!
Go, go, go!

AND FOR THE SAME PRICE. $40 dollers is way too much. Plus 10 a month.

meh, played the closed beta and it was alright but I slowly got bored

My brother has it. You can't say things  like hue or lol or al;skdfj or niger or anything that's bad or isn't spelled right. My brother is a terrible speller so he gets pissed a lot :P

I didn't like it enough during the beta to buy/subscribe to it.

My brother has it. You can't say things  like hue or lol or al;skdfj or niger or anything that's bad or isn't spelled right.
Hue? But what if you're talking about colors, like "No no, that's not the right hu--" "Profanity is not allowed!" ":C"

great! good thing steam accually works! :DDDD

its for england only atm
it'll come out for u.s. later

its for england only atm
it'll come out for u.s. later

aaaah okay. still wondering if i should just try it for a month... probably not eh?

I haven't played it after i got beta rights.
When i heard of the monthly fee i quitted.