Author Topic: You guys are such playboys.  (Read 25784 times)

you shouldn't be happy, you should do something about your pathetic life like i did a few years ago

you shouldn't be happy, you should do something about your pathetic life like i did a few years ago
Story time?

nope, i just realized "wow this sucks" and now im too cool for school

you shouldn't be happy, you should do something about your pathetic life like i did a few years ago
You are one GOOD motivational speaker.

too lazy to install flash

nope, i just realized "wow this sucks" and now im too cool for school
Hot damn, that's cool.

and here you are thanking the forums for sucking you into video games

and here you are thanking the forums for sucking you into video games
Here I am.

Listening to Ghosts N Stuff in line to the Haunted Mansion and getting creeped the forget out by Splash Mountain :cookieMonster:
"Where do you think they are?"
"Probably at the point where all the vultures are talking about death and stuff.  That would drive me insane."
Little did we know, we were right on the money.

Also, yes, Ghosts 'N' stuff + Haunted Mansion + minor key = win.

Well I read all 24 pages like a good boy and I have to say the following:
Instead of hating Aeris, which I did, until this thread (:cookieMonster:) I don't know why we don't feel bad for her. At least, the ones who don't already. Yeah that's a pretty stupid thing to do, it's been established blablablabla tits on the internet or something. It isn't like she's hurt you guys.
But at Caution, bro, big deal. I'm not like.. mad at you. I'm just saying. If people are stupid enough to flip out at the idea of a girl being on the internet (let alone the forums or in-game) then let them be stupid and not stoop to their level. I only saw this thread today and I'm sure Samantha (CrumpetMassacre) hasn't seen it yet since she has had yet to discuss it with me. At any rate, I don't see the point in complaining about people's stupidity. It's not like it's going to change them, they're stupid, right? (Not calling people directly stupid here--just proving a point)
So yeah. Uh. I'm tired, and this post is probably really difficult to understand, but what I'm getting at is that Samantha and Aeris and the actual females on the forums aren't doing anything to hurt anybody by being female. That's really all it comes down to. (However, the fake girls are a huge group of asshats. :cookieMonster:)

Also hi guys I'm JD

Also, just to clarify, when I said big deal, I was not saying it in a 'who cares' sort of way. I was being sarcastic by implying it was something drastically important when it wasn't because of the stupid people who make it seem important. (People can care about unimportant things very easily, hence the huge amounts of drama over someone being a girl)

Also, just to clarify, when I said big deal, I was not saying it in a 'who cares' sort of way. I was being sarcastic by implying it was something drastically important when it wasn't because of the stupid people who make it seem important. (People can care about unimportant things very easily, hence the huge amounts of drama over someone being a girl)
Yeah, and I didn't really help myself by trolling Rave.