Author Topic: Thereafter [Blockland Movie - "IcyGammas Best Work"]  (Read 12835 times)

Doombot is now a religion
What is up with that!

It wasn't a very good idea to make him afraid of blue, but have him wear an outfit with a blue tie.


Indeed. However, in the later scene when the Doombot appears, he says something along the lines of "wearing a blue tie never really helped you face your ordeal" which hints he wears it to try and cope with his fear.

Thanks for all the feedback, I was taking a risk with such a genre and I'm pleased people have noticed that. I also did try my hardest to make the story as interesting and uncorny as possible (I could of easily made him get suddenly cured and his daughter returns as  zombie, but of course that would just be terrible). Hurr.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2010, 03:45:21 PM by Sheath »

It wasn't a very good idea to make him afraid of blue, but have him wear an outfit with a blue tie.

Doombot points that out in the movie itself.

It was probably good but I think I was too occupied thinking of what I might do differently if I made it
The mouth movements bothered me.
The transition when he jumped was intense.

overall, it was good.

One thing that bothered me is that they seem to have announced his death in the newspaper, and then it was later on he barely escaped death (figuratively and literally I suppose). Was the newspaper not actually seen in reality, merely appearing to him there as a symbol to himself of what he had done, and how he would be remembered if he did not survive?
« Last Edit: October 31, 2010, 03:55:54 PM by Eksi »

Thanks Eksi. In that scene, I was either going to have to make him blackout (which would be boring) or just splat (which would mess up the story) so instead, I decided to shock and assault the viewer with an unexpected crash through the ground and holy bells.

uhh..hearing "whats going on?!" every other minute

I thought a lot could have been done better, some of the sound effects were low quality, but the story was neat, and the voice acting was definitely not bad at all. Ambient sounds were excellent, and the piano music fit very well. Great job.

Oh. My god.

Great story line. Like seriously, it was excellent. Some of the props and scenes were half-assed and some of the voices and sounds were a little on the poor side but it really didn't take away from the overall quality of it. I love the way things were done in this movie, and I like how everything matches up in a unique way. I love how you made the connection with the paper at the end of the story and Afterlife deal.

Well done.

 Haven't finished watching it, but from what I've seen so far, it's pretty good. You get used to the mouth movements after awhile, so those are OK. I wouldn't suggest them, however.
 I actually found it oddly funny when I realized he was wearing a blue tie when he said that he was afraid of the color blue.
 And guys, the voice acting is perfect. Not to be rude, but get over it ._.

Best Blockland movie I have ever seen. 

And I liked the Doombot.

I wonder if some people are confusing "bad voice acting" with "wtf accent".

I love your accent lol, I wish I had it.

With the title I thought it might be a spoof of "here after" which I wouldn't have understood anyways since I haven't seen the movie.