Author Topic: How did you find Blockland?  (Read 5699 times)

I found it because

the next day I

Did you watch the retail trailer?

It was an add. I think it was on Kongregate.
I got the Demo, played for a month, and lost interest.

After about 4 months, I got back into it, and 6 months after downloading the demo, I purchased it.

I got the Demo, played for a month, and lost interest.

After about 4 months, I got back into it, and 6 months after downloading the demo, I purchased it.

Am I seriously the only one who played RTB? The original. With Editor Wand, and Briefcases.

I was on an RTB Server, and Ephi was talking about a 'project' with Badspot, then 2 weeks later or so I got a link to the forums and then bought noticed the 'Countdown until release' timer, clicked it, put in my credit card number, and, when the timer hit 0 I pressed submit, and got my first key, then 2 days later I got Woodland_Creature on the game, and then about 3 or 4 days after that, I was at RKYs house, and he was telling me that he bought the game, so I bought 2 more keys, and played those, then like 6 months later I got a 2k ID that I never played, and, finally, about 3 years after that, I bought another key since Zoneark got all of mine deleted :x

I just noticed that Blockland is the only game I've actually played avidly for more than like a month. I always got bored :x
I played rtb for like a day
then i got bored of it

I first heard about it on Roblox but didn't think much of it. When I saw an advert on I decided to check it out. Tried the demo and bought it the next day.

When I saw an advert on I decided to check it out. Tried the demo and bought it the next day.

I dont know it just appeared out of nowhere...

I searched for Lego game in YouTube.