Author Topic: .Aeris. - I'm completely perfect.  (Read 78479 times)

Aeris, please tell your guard dog hes only making things worse.

Most forum people are bitches and its really starting to tick me off.

You don't learn do you?
Get this, she doesnt want to agrue anymore, so you can GTFO.
something about me is that posts against me containing chatspeak dont budge me at all

also im not really trying to argue

i'm just passively posting things that apparently make aeris and her kissups mad

does that make me a troll  :cookieMonster:

friends are people that like their own gender. Which is exactly why im not one but you are.
A friend is a "cigarette"

oh wait that's england sorry usa i thought that it was the same there

Aeris never acted like you described in the third part of the picture.
I didnt draw it just then, I was mostly doing it for the first two parts.

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« Last Edit: November 16, 2010, 04:15:20 PM by Badspot »

Aeris, please tell your guard dog hes only making things worse.
Just as with Iban, they are their own people and they do what they will.

Just as with Iban, they are their own people and they do what they will.
the thing with iban is that he isnt complete sludge


this just in friends: we have a PM system
aeris, if you want to bitch to your boyfriend, go do it over the PM system badspot gave us all for this exact reason.

Trolling is a bannable offense when admitted.

aeris, if you want to bitch to your boyfriend, go do it over the PM system badspot gave us all for this exact reason.
Your one to talk.

Your one to talk.
how so?
i'm not bitching to my e-bf and telling him "ignore everyone ogm"

please check your facts.

Trolling is a bannable offense when admitted.
Except I didn't admit it.

And I personally dont think I was trolling, but playing along with Nethog when I said


You know this would be a great example when a topic should be locked in drama.

aeris, if you want to bitch to your boyfriend, go do it over the PM system badspot gave us all for this exact reason.
I'm not bitching.
He is not my boyfriend.
Have you even considered that I am PM'ing people?

I'm not bitching.
He is not my boyfriend.
Have you even considered that I am PM'ing people?
Then why would you have a need to post "so anyways whats up bro" in a topic?