Author Topic: After the shipwreck - A choose-your-story adventure of after a shipwreck.  (Read 1086 times)

You wake up, you don't remember anything. You don't know your name, you don't know where you are and you don't know why you're there.

You see only sand, piles and miles of sand. Nothing special.
You don't see any visible injuries, you're o.k.

Your clothes are a bit ripped up, though.

In the distance, you see something odd. It appears to be a broken ship.
You don't remember being on a ship at all, though..

And you also see an emergency dingy. Weird.

On close inspection, this dingy is big enough for at least three people, but since you don't recall ever being on this dingy, it's safe to assume somebody else was with you, possibly saving your life as you were KO'd.

If this is the case, where's person number two?

Behind you is a large forest, it seems.

Weird, for an island; I guess.

You have red-brown sneakers, a white torn-up shirt, a belt and normal jeans.
You have blond brown hair, and black eyes.

You noticed since you awoke you have been clutching a ledger.

It's empty and unsigned. Strange.

You supposed the logical thing to do is to start looking for that other guy, right?

So, I will update every time I feel like it, don't ask for the main character to do stupid things, and above all, DON FLAM ME PLZ OR I BAN U FRUM TEH GAM

see that cliff in the second picture, to the right?
climb that and use it as a viewpoint

Can't do anything right now, for some reason I can't upload any images.

ask why you're in an XP program and why is minecraft alpha and a hud there

fu nob

I am too lazy to edit that out so just deal wit it.

ask why you're using a stupid texture pack

Head over to a hill , climb it and look for the second person