
What do you think? (Read the OP first!)

Great! I'd love this!
Cool. I'd like it.
Meh. I don't care.
Bleh. I don't like this.
No way! This is stupid!

Author Topic: PLACEABLE glowsticks  (Read 1486 times)

Yes, I know that Moonwalker already has made a glowstick, but my idea is slightly different. If you're reading this, Moonwalker, consider adding this feature to your mod.

It would work like Moonwalker's, except you could throw it like a grenade, deleting the item and dealing no damage. It would be nice if the glowstick projectile could stay in that place for a while (a minute, maybe an RTB pref) and emit the same glow as when you held it. That way you could set up lights in a dark area in TDMs/RPs.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2010, 08:40:10 PM by Celtic Wolf »

Yeah. Add that bit in the Arrow script, that keeps it in existence for an RTB Pref variable....

As a sort of, Look before you leap kind of thing.

Yeah. Add that bit in the Arrow script, that keeps it in existence for an RTB Pref variable....

As a sort of, Look before you leap kind of thing.
Yeah. Or just have it as a projectile with the same properties as a grenade, and explodes after a minute without dealing any damage, just a little puff of smoke or something.

Actually, this is REALLY easy to do. There's already a pref in the script that creates light on a projectile, so if you were to use something like the smoke grenade, but remove the explodey action and increase the lifetime, change the model and change the pref for lighting, it'd be done.

Actually, this is REALLY easy to do. There's already a pref in the script that creates light on a projectile, so if you were to use something like the smoke grenade, but remove the explodey action and increase the lifetime, change the model and change the pref for lighting, it'd be done.
Only problem is I can't really script, so if it's so easy can someone else make it?

The problem here is that we don't have enough items used for lighting.

All we have is "Oh gee wiz, I can make light come out of my hand on command, that's super." That's the best explanation there is so far.


The problem here is that we don't have enough items used for lighting.

All we have is "Oh gee wiz, I can make light come out of my hand on command, that's super." That's the best explanation there is so far.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2010, 08:40:37 PM by Celtic Wolf »

that would be the greatest thing in the blockworld
make it!

The problem here is that we don't have enough items used for lighting.

All we have is "Oh gee wiz, I can make light come out of my hand on command, that's super." That's the best explanation there is so far.

Perhaps we could use some sort of script from truce to place ready-lighted bricks.

I'd like one that is both placeable and throw-able.

I'd like one that is both placeable and throw-able.
Yeah, so you don't screw up and waste your glowstick by miscalculating your throw and bouncing it into a pit or something.

Could just be a sphere called the lightball, that you throw, then when it hits a wall it sticks to it, and starts emmiting light...

I could look into this later today...