Author Topic: Sue is a man.  (Read 33587 times)

I can vouch that it is not a case of "just deciding" as our friend here states. My own sister-in-law is gunning for the surgery to become male. She even still likes men, although she's been on the hormones for a while now so hell, that'll probably change. But this is something that's nagged at her for a long time, as long as I've known her (almost seven years) and probably longer before that.

As for problems and ridicule? You know the only reason that it'll lead to that? Because of people like you. As the thread over at BCB shows quite well, it's quite possible to not give a stuff or even be supportive when it comes to this issue, and I have been for quite a while myself. As Sue states in her post on the first page, it's because this community is ridiculously judgmental and even the "smart" people here are loving morons - not necessarily morons in that they're unintelligent. I'm talking more like white supremacist style. Hell, even I'm like that sometimes, because let's face it, the difference between the two main groups here is so astoundingly jarring that it does leave one in the mood to re-enact the Holocaust with children in place of Jews.

Well, Sue, best of luck with it anyway. I can't say I agree with your views, but hey who gives half a stuff. It's your decision and not anyone elses, and if I didn't think that's what you planned to do anyway, I'd say something like "and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!" just to be cheesy and maybe a little creepy.

Aaaaand just to get the being a richardhead out of the way:
a) I knew it (seriously, I saw this coming miles away - the being a man part but not so much the transgender element)
b) inb4threadhits50pages
Why are you so stupid?

I never said I would ridicule her.  Did you even read my later post?  Also, I don't agree with trans-gender surgery or the use of hormones to change yourself.  People that feel the need to completely change themselves are insecure.

[Insert incredibly judgmental comment here]

But seriously, I'm proud that Sue could, sort of, face her demons about "coming out of the closet". Just show's she's strong than she thought she was before, if she did at all, and personally I respect her for having the ability to do that. Like I told her before, you go girl.

this is the most i have laughed in my entire life, ever.

well done comr4de. i owe you $20.

this is the most i have laughed in my entire life, ever.

well done comr4de. i owe you $20.

You are a friend.

Oh please, stop acting like your soooo much better than everyone else, bitch. You also pull our pants and stuff in a toilet just like everybody else. You're not different from everybody, you're not higher than anybody.

Oh please, stop acting like your soooo much better than everyone else, bitch. You also pull our pants and stuff in a toilet just like everybody else. You're not different from everybody, you're not higher than anybody.

That was always Sue's attitude.  Whatever, its some random person over the internet.  Nothing to cry over, really.

Oh please, stop acting like your soooo much better than everyone else, bitch. You also pull our pants and stuff in a toilet just like everybody else. You're not different from everybody, you're not higher than anybody.
That was never Sue's attitude. No where has Sue been prancing around "hurr I'm gettin a love change u guys are such losers I'm waaay 2 cool for u." She's just simply stating the obvious: almost everyone here is judgmental and next to handicapped. You are no exclusion and neither am I. I have my moments of stupidity. Lern2Argue broski.

I still like Sue anyway.

Have to say that I couldn't see this coming. But it was brave of her to say this to people. I personally wouldn't have the guts if I was in her situation. So Sue, good for you! :D

That was never Sue's attitude. No where has Sue been prancing around "hurr I'm gettin a love change u guys are such losers I'm waaay 2 cool for u." She's just simply stating the obvious: almost everyone here is judgmental and next to handicapped. You are no exclusion and neither am I. I have my moments of stupidity. Lern2Argue broski.
But here she is being condescending to all of us, by insulting the community indirectly, etc.
False superiority in starfishs is my biggest pet peeve.

You are a friend.
oh sorry i was unaware laughing at this particular find was illegal. :(
arrest me.

honestly though, why would Sue decide to be transgender. i just don't understand how one could mentally be considering themselves a woman when they are fully aware that they are a man.
how does it work? i mean, how does one deal with that mentality, especially when they, say, take a shower? i mean, every time you look at your manhood, what happens to your female mentality then?

i mean hey, sometimes i wonder what it would be like to be female, but i'm proud of my gender and never go beyond wondering.

also, if anyone considers me an starfish for laughing at this initially, i am fully aware i'm an starfish, you do not need to remind me.

Dusty, I'll happily take that snake off your hands (not literally from your hands). With the right doctors by my side, I could have the first dual snake.

also i guess this transgender mentality could explain why she used to do family RPs and stuff in v10 or so, as i explained earlier in some thread i'm too lazy to find.

oh sorry i was unaware laughing at this particular find was illegal. :(
arrest me.

honestly though, why would Sue decide to be transgender. i just don't understand how one could mentally be considering themselves a woman when they are fully aware that they are a man.
how does it work? i mean, how does one deal with that mentality, especially when they, say, take a shower? i mean, every time you look at your manhood, what happens to your female mentality then?

i mean hey, sometimes i wonder what it would be like to be female, but i'm proud of my gender and never go beyond wondering.

also, if anyone considers me an starfish for laughing at this initially, i am fully aware i'm an starfish, you do not need to remind me.

i'm not a doctor, but a chemical mixup in the brain or a defect at birth may have caused a mental issue.